Chapter Twenty-Nine: Riding.

1480 Words

Austin POV. The morning always sounds better, the sun is shining and we can all go out in it, Rosalia isn’t crying yet. I hate when she cries it makes me wanna cry with her too, last night was a hard night, but it passed. I just can’t wait until we get to leave back to the school, it became my home along with Rose and Lucius, I don’t get what we came here to do but can we do it and be over with it, please. Even classes are better then this, at least we had our own routine, I get to see Rose and daddy without being scared of others. Daddy was up first, we didn’t let him go or even move anywhere last night, me and rose basically slept on top of him. Now that’s it’s the morning he’s trying to get out from underneath us, and we aren’t very happy about it. “Guys come on, let daddy up,” h

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