Chapter Thirty-One: April.

1513 Words

Willow POV. I don’t like this, I don’t like it here, I’m April, I had a normal life, I was happy. When the vampires took me I threw a fit cause who wouldn’t I was in love with my childhood friend, I had good grades at school and even my house was awesome. My mother and father loved me, I was living the dream until they came along. After my birthday and their stupid test, I tried to skip, dad tried to bribe some people to let me pass it without going it almost worked but someone snitched on dad and the vampires found out about him, they killed him, just like that. His crime was trying to hide me from the vampire, something that the law punishment for is execution, I lost my dad, my mom went crazy and killed her self and I was taken to do the damn test. I was under anesthetic the whole ti

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