Chapter Twenty-two: Dracula’s Favor.

1562 Words

Dracula POV. I love my sons, not equally of course, but I still love them. I’m a proud father of all of my sons, all fifteen of them, some more than others. Lucius, my youngest and simply my favorite, since he was young he shows self-confidence and power that no other of his siblings showed. He’s meant for great things, but later of course, maybe when I retire he could take my place as king of all vampires. I’m not ready to step down yet and I haven’t assigned an heir yet, all my sons are called “Prince” whether they deserve the title or not. All my sons are dominants, of course, they are they are my sons after all. Most of them own slaves, submissive, we even have few pets around the castle, but littles is a new thing for all of us. Sir Victor, one of my subjects, an old friend is on

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