Chapter 7

1472 Words
Daniel and I were sitting on the floor eating pizza . " Why did we drink this much ? " I giggle , feeling like I'm about to knock over and not get up from the floor , " I don't know , but it looks like you are about to pass out . " I snort and in an embarrassing moment , I try to cover my face . I forgot about the pizza in my hand so I face slapped myself with the pizza , the gooey toppings smothering my face , " Oh my god . " Daniel basically chokes on his food as he laughs . " Did I just do that ? " I ask in a slow tone , slowly lowering the pizza away from my face , I could still feel the toppings that were sticking to my face . We both burst out in a fit of laughter and I couldn't help but admire his dimples and beautiful eyes . He's a real catch and any girl would be lucky to have him , but is it wrong that I don’t want a girl to have him ? " Yeah you did . " he smiles apologetically as if it were his fault that I slapped myself with a piece of pizza . I pull cheese strings out of my hair that's hanging all over my face , my lip twitching up in a snarl as a disgusted look falls over my face , " Gross . " I laugh at my own stupidity . I am truly a f*****g mess , no doubt . " Here let me help . " he says smiling and I sit still as he comes and sits next to me , carefully pulling strings of cheese out of my hair , careful enough not to touch me . His tall frame hovers over me as I scrunch under him so he can fix the mess I made of myself . " Almost done . " he says , his eyebrows furrowing together as he concentrates . I couldn't help but look up at him , staring as he smiles and being very careful not to come into skin to skin contact with me . His dark brown hair compliments his features so well . He's truly handsome . As he pulls out the last piece of cheese from my hair , he glances down at me , smirking . As if my legs weren't already weak from me sitting crossed legged , he just made them dead . My heart started beating super fast and it was as if everything was on fire . He didn't move . We just stared at each other and slowly but surely we leaned into each other . ‘ What are you doing ?Don't touch him . Move back Autumn . Move away Autumn . ’ I kept telling myself to move , but I couldn't , it was as if I were under a spell . ‘ Oh god I'm going to die tonight . ’ I thought as our faces were an inch apart , the front door bursts open and I freeze . " I'm home ! " Amelia fell silent , I could practically imagine her shocked expression as she looked at us , but I was to scared to turn my head away , I didn’t want this moment to end , not like this , but I turn my head and she is looking at us agape . We both sit back casually as if we didn't have a s****l moment just now . s****l moment ? I haven't even had a first kiss yet ! " What you guys up to ? " Amelia asks casually , clearly we've been caught . " Just eating pizza . " I shrug and smile at her . " And who's this ? " She asks as her eyebrows are raised at me . " s**t . Right . Uhm Amelia this is my brother , dead brother's best friend . Daniel . Daniel this is my best friend , Amelia . Clearly drunk also . " I look at her wide eyed . " I am not , I'm just in fun mode ! " She said as she shook her shoulders and Daniel chuckles . " Right . It's getting late , I'm going to bed , it’s nice to meet you Amelia . " Daniel says and awkwardly stands up and leaves the room and went to the room I told him he could sleep in . As he leaves the room , Amelia and I both look at him and as soon as his door closes , her eyes shoot to me . I burry my head into my knees , curling up as if I were about to die , but I had a wide smile on my face . " What was that I walked in on ? " She asks smiling big as she throws her stuff to the ground and scurries over to come and sit next to me on the floor . " Is it safe to use this blanket he sat under ? " She eyes it , picking it up as if it were dirty . " Yes . " I roll my eyes dramatically . She wraps herself in the blanket " I want to hear every-single-thing ! " " Nothing to tell . He was on the porch when I got home , we drank , ate pizza . " I shrugged it off . " And definitely had a f*****g s****l tension moment there ! " She bellows , but softly that he couldn't over hear us . I sigh , knowing my best friend is completely right . I'm probably screwed . God I wish I could be screwed by Daniel . I throw my head back , grunting in frustration . " What do I do Lia ? " I ask as I gaze at her " What can you do ? " she asks , her eyes wide and her lip pouting , " Completely nothing . " I roll my eyes in utter annoyance . " We'll figure this out . Maybe you can use vibrators ! " She says as she stands up running . " Amelia ! Oh you're so lucky you chose to run ! " " Goodnight Autumn . " she smiles from the stairs and disappears around the corner . " Goodnight Lia . " I grumble . I got up and knocked on Daniel's door " Come in . " he says and I slightly open the door , popping my head in , " Need anything before I go to bed ? " My eyes roamed his naked torso and I swallowed the lump in my throat . I took a deep breath , stopping the butterflies forming in my stomach . " I'm good , thanks . " " Okay , goodnight . " " Night . " he winks at me and I smile , closing the door as I leave . " Gosh he's hot ! " I mumble to myself . I mentally groan and ascend the stairs . I switched off the main lights from the top switch and went to bed . As I laid in my bed , I still couldn't believe Daniel was in my house , without my dear brother . God what would've happened if Amelia didn't come home when she did ? What if we kissed ? What if we did more ? I don't think I would do more , I'm really inexperienced due to my sickness . My sickness , f**k I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow ! I groan as I look at the clock showing it is one in the morning . When did it get so late ? I think my appointment is at nine so I should probably get up at seven . I have to be pretty once I go downstairs because Daniel is here . What will things be like ? Would he stay ? I think I might literally die if he stays . I wonder how he feels about me . Does he feel the same as I do ? Autumn stop it and go to f*****g bed . You have a doctors appointment tomorrow and you're going to be hungover ! I argue with myself . Stop and think about a story . I talk myself through a made up scenario , trying to ignore the feeling of the bed spinning under me and soon the darkness and sleep took me under its wing and I fell asleep peacefully .
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