1908 Words

CHAPTER 15February 22 Thursday, 10:30 a.m. Frank called his office phone to check his voicemail. There was a message from Vickie, and her voice sounded tense. “I’m sorry I’ve taken so long. But anyway, the guy’s name is Mustafa Hafeez. He’s listed with Customs and Immigration as a sales rep for an investment company, but when I called, all I got was a recording saying that someone would get back to me. The company’s located in London. I have a friend who works at the British Embassy, and she knows a lot of people there. You want me to have her ask around? Anyway, I hope you’re okay. Let me know if you want me to call the police. They could run a fast check on this man, find out just what his mission is—” He quickly punched in Vickie’s mobile phone number. It went straight to voicemail.

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