3499 Words

CHAPTER 3February 10 Saturday, 12:00 p.m. Frank only made one wrong turn on the way to the airfield, but it cost him a quarter of an hour driving around in a curvaceous maze of high-priced houses, drawing uncomfortable glances from snow shovelers and dog walkers. After many wild guess turns, he blundered back on to the correct road and followed the signs to Potomac Airfield. Alfred De Marco had the look of a man who was used to making life and death decisions. His eyes met Frank’s straight on and seemed to lock onto them like some inescapable beam. Frank sensed that the man could be either a loyal and unselfish friend or a ruthless and determined enemy. There seemed to be no in-between with Mr. De Marco. Not wasting time on social amenities or gray areas of conversation, he invited Fran

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