Chapter Two

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VALENTINA ** “Val, could you call Mother Meredith to come and visit? I’m just in need of her since I don’t feel comfortable after Vincent's departure.” She insisted and I nodded. Despite my lack of enthusiasm for Luna Meredith's presence, it was Luna Ani’s wish that I had to fulfil. Luna Meredith, Alpha Vincent’s mother, never liked me. It was like confinement for me to be on my best behaviour when she was Luna and now, whenever she stayed with us. She despised me to the guts. She often told me that I seized a part of Alpha Vincent’s love and attention from his father. I respected her as a Luna because she never mistreated me. If anything, she was very strict with me and would not let go of any small blunder on my side. Whereas, Alpha Liam was always a righteous and generous man. He was a respected and fair Alpha for those who were in need. I was delighted whenever he visited. “Will do, Luna.” I sent Lisa, our pack messenger, a quick mind-link to call Luna Meredith here. Lisa kept me on hold, apparently delivering the message to Alpha or Luna. We were not allowed to mind-link Alpha or Luna until an extreme emergency. Lisa – Her arrival will be here by sundown with Alpha Liam. I got the mind-link and I steeled my heart at the response. Valentina – Okay. I responded and went ahead to send another mind-link. I mind-linked Karl; our pack housekeeper. He was supposed to be informed to get the dinner and room ready for Luna Meredith's arrival with the Alpha. Valentina – Prepare for Alpha Liam and Luna Meredith’s arrival. I informed him straight to the point. Karl – Will do that. He responded and I knew that was the end of our conversation. I shut the mind-link and saw that Luna Ani had already fallen asleep. I was glad. It was the first time she had been staying without Alpha Vincent since she came here six months ago. I sauntered out of the room and stepped towards the maid's quarters, where I was given a small room just to keep my belongings. ** I took a short nap before I got ready for a difficult night since Luna Meredith was visiting. I took a shower and wore black jeggings with an oversized grey hoodie. It was mid-November, so it was a little cold. It wasn’t snowing but the temperature was somewhere near 4°C. My emerald green eyes were a little red after the hot shower I had taken. I left my long mid-waist length straight brown hair open for a while before I tied it up in a messy bun. I wore my flat flip-flops after I wore a pair of long socks and walked out. I usually did not wear heels since I felt my height was enough, which was 5’ 6” (170 cm). I felt a familiar scent hit my nose and my insides churned. “Good evening, Alpha Liam and Luna Meredith,” I greeted them with a respectful bow. Alpha Liam gave me a short hug, radiating his happiness. “I’m so pleased to see you, Little Val.” He cheered and I smiled up at him. This was least appreciated by Luna Meredith, who huffed and strode away. I gazed at her back, still not contemplating why she detested me to this extent. “Don’t pay her much heed.” Alpha Liam soothed, with a radiant smile still settled on his face. Maybe he had witnessed how my face had fallen after she strode away like that. “It’s nothing,” I muttered and flashed him a smile. We both walked towards Alpha Vincent and Luna Ani’s room. I noticed Luna Ani appeared cheerful after Luna Meredith had arrived. I was relieved. Karl – Dinner is prepared, I am organizing the table. Come down in five minutes. I got a quick mind-link and my eyes fogged for a minute. Valentina – Okay. Please do not fetch the ice cream before Luna Meredith asks for it. I reminded him before he did something like that again. He laughed and shut the mind-link. He had once kept the ice cream out before dinner because Luna Meredith needed ice cream after every meal and, not to be surprised, they had to drink it. I cracked up at his antics. “The dinner is prepared. We should move to the dining table since everyone is eagerly waiting to greet you both.” I notified them and they smiled. They loved and missed the pack but they wanted to stay away from the pack to enjoy their lives as normal couples their age did. And everyone respected their decision. “Let’s go.” Alpha Liam responded and everyone walked to the table. The dining room was in chaos since everyone was excited about meeting Alpha Liam and Luna Meredith. After a long time, they returned to the pack. They stayed at one of their family houses since they retired four years ago and only arrived when they wanted to visit or were called in for occasions or emergencies. Luna Meredith and Alpha Liam had been yearning to come back since Luna Ani was pregnant. Luna Meredith wanted to play with the grandchild and was very enthusiastic about it. The room went quiet as everyone sensed the strongest presence. They all settled in and seemed excited. Even though it was hushed, the room was ready to explode at any moment. “Alpha! Luna!” They cheered with respectful bows as they all grinned. They all congratulated them on the upcoming pup and their new title of grandparents. They both radiated happiness while thanking others for their wishes. “We should have a pup shower for the coming Alpha.” Said one of the elders. Alpha approved and everyone cheered on it. “When Vincent returns, we’ll have a big pup shower!” Alpha Liam announced and the table raved, again. Happiness can be sensed in the air. Everyone finished dinner and settled back into their rooms. Along with the others who were left to have dinner, I went to the dining table. I heard some commotion outside, so I proceeded to check on it in the kitchen while the others slumped to eat. I walked outside and looked around to find nothing in my vision. All I could see was darkness. Onyx – Something is wrong, Valentina. Onyx; my wolf explained to me. I blinked at her statement. She usually did not make an appearance, but whenever she did, it was quite a deal for me. I could not contact her like how easily other wolves did. Valentina – I feel the same but nothing seems out of the place. I responded to her, still a little doubtful as my eyes scanned out the window. Onyx – That is where everything is wrong. She chided. I could imagine her glaring at no one in particular. Since I had never shifted, I didn't know how my wolf looked. I could only imagine her. Valentina – Don’t speculate much, Nyxie. Let’s go and have something. Aren’t you hungry? I tried to coax her so she would calm down. Onyx – A lot more than you could imagine! She seemed a bit calm at my attempt and I was glad. I smiled at her response and she went to the back of my mind. I gave a small shrug after I looked around once again. I returned to see that everyone had already wrapped up and there wasn’t anything left to eat. Werewolf appetite. I commented in my mind. Onyx – These people have no manners! She screeched in my mind, making me aware of her presence. I was stunned for a moment, since we usually didn’t connect for so long. She must’ve been very restless. Valentina – Well, they are werewolves. What do you expect? I asked her and she scoffed. Onyx – But, I am hungry. She whined like a little kid with a pouty face, I assumed. Valentina – I will find something. I assured her before going to find something to munch on. I found a banana so I took it and ate it. I took one more for me and two for Luna Ani. I walked up to her room and she was reading a pup book. “Luna, I brought two bananas for you,” I announced, and offered them to her. She took them smilingly and had them. She had a habit of eating a banana or two after dinner and she was quite satisfied with her habit. “You take good care of me, Val.” She proclaimed with a hint of gratefulness in her tone. Luna Ani was a kind and big-hearted person. “You are the one who has taken care of me. I can not thank you enough, Luna. I was a no-rank lowlife but you’ve treated me with so much kindness that words will never be able to express it.” I told her as small tears filled my eyes. Maybe it was the fact that the only thing I could eat was what she had stocked or just plain emotional since Onyx had made a longer connection with me. I wanted to express my feelings to her. She was knowingly and unknowingly my saviour. I never wanted to return to what I had been through six months ago and more so to what I was four years ago. ** Four Years Ago… (Valentina was eighteen years old.) “Valentina! Tidy up the entire storeroom and you cannot eat before completing the work.” Luna Meredith ordered her index finger in a warning action, pointing at me. I did not go against her words ever, so all I did was nod in agreement. “Yes, Luna,” I affirmed with my head facing down to the ground. I was not qualified to look up to her or have eye contact with her, either. “Also, see to it that the kitchen is straightened up later.” She instructed and departed. I let out the breath I was holding. Anyone could see that she despised me. “Oh, God!” I muttered and sat down. I didn’t have time to waste. If Luna discovered that I was squandering time, she'd have me by my throat for disrespecting her order. I discarded all the items alone and kept them outside. Even though for others it might not be heavy, since we were werewolves, it was still heavy for me, since I had not shifted and did not have access to my complete werewolf powers, even strength. Onyx – I could not stop but detest her just as much as she does me. Onyx professed, not cowering under Luna’s power. I didn’t understand how she was so unafraid when I was the complete opposite of her. Valentina – Onyx, we should not say things like that. She is our Luna and we should respect her. We have shelter because of Alpha Liam and she is his mate. I reminded her once again of the truth that I kept reiterating to myself over and over again. Onyx – I respect the Alpha but will not tolerate such disrespect. Either way, one day she will regret this treatment towards us. She bashed Luna’s actions and scoffed. Valentina – It is okay, Nyxie. I called out softly, attempting to console her anger and irritation towards our Luna. Onyx – It will be. When that day comes, no one will ever disrespect us or even try to take advantage of your innocence. Her words were stronger and almost felt like they could come true one day, but it was only my wishful thinking. Valentina – You rest, I will finish this. I told her so she could cool down and I could peacefully work instead of hearing her nag angrily in my mind. After the conversation with Onyx, who later walked in pride to the back of my mind and sat there looking like a queen, unbothered. I chuckled and she gave me a look. Onyx – Go, work now. I let out a deep sigh at my wolf’s actions but didn’t comment ahead or it would result in another banter, where I would be the one to forfeit the fight. I put all my hard work and concentration into tidying up the room as soon as I could so I could go and have something. I luckily had my breakfast today and I was thanking all my lucky stars because I knew I had to skip lunch to get this done. ** It was late in the evening when I finished cleaning the entire storeroom. I walked out, glad to see that my work was done, only to be reminded that the kitchen was still left. I rested my hands on the table in front of me and put my head down. I did not know what life expected of me, but I knew I wasn’t expecting this from my life. With a fearful face, I went to the kitchen to face Luna’s wrath, but luckily, she wasn’t there. I was about to go and clean it before she arrived but a hand landed on my shoulder. I jerked in fear. “Val, I have already cleaned it.” I heard the voice say. “You do not have to worry.” She assured me. It was Samantha, the appointed kitchen maid and my only friend in the pack. I sighed in relief. Looking at her, her blonde curls falling over her shoulder as her brown eyes brought me comfort. I can only thank God for getting me a best friend like her. She was exhausted but she did not want to exhibit it to me. “Thank you so much, Sam! I could not thank you enough for this.” I muttered but she shook her head. We were both of the same age. But since she had shifted, she was properly assigned to one task, unlike me, who was asked to do anything and everything. A ping from the microwave was heard and we both glanced towards it. Samantha took out a glass bowl filled with noodles. I gave her a big smile. “Here, have this first,” She said and put the noodles on a plate for me. “I have to store this away for you or we all know a werewolf’s appetite.” She told me, handing the plate to me and I immediately dug in at Vampire speed. "I thought you were a werewolf. It appears like I was wrong," Samantha commented and I chuckled. I was too hungry to pause and respond. “Thank you so much, you’re the best!” I muttered in between eating. Samantha washed the bowl until I was eating on the plate. I did not stop her as I was too busy eating. ”Slow down or you’ll choke.” She advised, but I would not mind choking because I was that hungry. I had planned to drink air if I couldn’t have food. Luckily, I had Samantha. “I’m content now,” I moaned when I finished the entire plate of noodles. She gave me a big smile and put the dish in the sink. “Wait, one more thing,” Samantha said as she took a sealed box from the fridge. I glanced at it curiously. Samantha urged me to open the box and I did, only to have an enormous smile on my face. “Fruit custard!” I yelled and dug in immediately. I was so pleased that the entire day's work had paid off. Good food made everything better and this was the best. Once I was done, she immediately took the box from my hand and washed it. Not even once was she enraged that she had done all my work and was still doing more of it. “I could’ve done that,” I voiced to her as she washed the box and started wiping it dry. “You already did a lot for me.” I continued and she chuckled. “You’ve done a lot of cleaning for the day, too.” She announced and genuinely smiled at me. “It’s time to reap what you sow.” She professed. I knew she was exhausted and I did not want to keep her up by starting a conversation. “Okay, you go and sleep now. I will see you in the morning.” I said to her, but she gave me a sad glance. I knew what was coming ahead of this but I knew what my response would be, too. “You could sleep in my bed and leave in the morning before anyone wakes up.” She mumbled to me, in a small voice. I smiled at her sincerity. She was a true friend. “No, Sam. I do not wish to trouble you like the previous time.” I declared, holding her hand. “I have learnt my lesson and made been aware of my place before. Not the same mistake again.” I said to her. Her hands had suffered too much already. She was my age but her hands had sacrificed a lot for me. The last time I did that, Luna Meredith found out and asked Samantha to cook and clean for two days, all alone. It must not sound like much, but with the number of werewolves we had and the appetite, it was enough to feel like death. “I am fine. You better go to sleep.” I insisted. She nodded and left for the maid's quarters. I gazed at her back until she was finally gone. I let out a sigh, feeling despair. I removed the mat from the corner and put it on the floor. A thin blanket was provided for me and I covered myself with it. My body was aching but this was all I had to be a no-rank pack member. Since the places were located according to position, rank, and strength, I was the last. The kitchen was the only place I was given and I had to bear it. I had no option but to remain there and continue breathing like no one affected me. Onyx – Do not feel too guilty, it is not your fault. I heard Onyx’s voice suddenly, taking me out of my daze. I was glad that I had Onyx to comfort me. Valentina – But she does so much for me that I cannot repay her. I professed to her my guilt. No matter how much anyone does for me, it would always seem like a burden because I could never return the favour or the help. Onyx – She is a genuine friend that the Goddess has blessed you with. If you treat her right, there is nothing more she expects from you anyway. She already knows that you do not have anything to entrust her. Valentina – I know. It is just overwhelming. I conveyed to her the feelings of my heavy heart. Onyx – You do not choose who should treat you right, Valentina. It is their choice. You should be glad that Samantha is one of the people who treat you right and here you are, feeling guilty. Onyx gave me a piece of her mind and I knew if I didn’t stop her now, all her annoyance with the pack members would start pouring out. Valentina – Onyx! Stop your great lecture. I am not guilty in that sense. I just feel apologetic for putting her through so much. I defended myself. Onyx – Okay, whatever you say. I am just saying, just remember what all Samantha did for you and repay her in future if you can. Do not dwell on it. Onyx elucidated and I smiled. Valentina – Got your point. Now, shoo. I want to sleep because I’m tired as I did a lot of work today, unlike someone who just sat there. I teased her purposefully and she got riled up. Onyx – Let me tell you why someone is just… I shut the mind-link because I knew Onyx would start ranting. She cannot stop sassing. She was the opposite of me. She would never let anyone command her and she would only do what she liked. I wondered how Onyx would look. Since I never shifted, I could only hear her in my mind but had never seen her. I sighed, wanting to know when that day would arrive. Lastly, I closed my eyes and that was all I remembered as I was met with darkness.
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