Chapter 13

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Damien I woke up before her and took a minute to hold her against my chest. Her breathing was steady and deep, and I wondered what dreams she was having. I smiled to myself, this was all I wanted in my life. This woman. My woman. My mate. I loved her. I gently removed myself from her and quietly made my way to the bathroom, turning on the shower, and stepping in under the warm water. I had my eyes closed, letting the water run down my chest, when I felt her arms slide around me from behind, and her lips pressing kisses against my skin. “Good morning handsome” She purred, trailing kisses along my back. “Morning” I answered, taking her hand and pressing it my lips. I turned to face her, pulling her against my chest, and peppering kisses along her temple. “I didn’t want to wake you” I murmured. “I could have slept all day in your arms.” She replied. Her lips grazed mine I pulled her tighter, deepening our kiss. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, dancing with my own, as a low moan vibrated through her body. The sound of my phone ringing from the other room interrupted. She pulled back, looking at me with a smalls smile. “Ill call them back” I say, resuming our kiss. The phone quieted down, only to start ringing again. I broke with with an annoyed sigh. “Must be important” She remarked, as I reluctantly let her go and stepped out of the shower. I watched as she took over my spot, turning the water just a little bit warmer. Wrapping a towel around my waist I headed to the bedroom. Gathering discarded clothing as I went, I got to my jacket and fished my phone from the pocket, answering it with annoyance. “Sir, your meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago” Archie sounded calm, but in the background were several aggravated voiced, demanding to know what was going on. “s**t, I forgot.” I said as I heard the shower cutting off. I wanted nothing to do with leaving her. “Archie can you..” “Ill reschedule. Theyre already in a mood, I think they can handle more disappointment” He interrupted, a slight hint of humor in his voice. “Thank you” I responded, hanging up. I turned towards the bathroom door as she came out wrapped in her own towel, running a brush through her hair. “Do you need to go?” She asked “No. Archie is handling things.” “Ah…”she thought for a moment before asking, “Why did he call on the phone? Don’t you wolves have telepathy or something?” “Something like that. I can block the mind link though. Especially when Im, busy” She smiled her understanding and sat at her vanity. As she applied various products to her skin, I noted how truly beautiful she was. Her hair was wrapped in a towel, secured with a loop around a button, but a few pieces were loose, and curled up more and more as it dried in the air. Her skin was smooth, and I kept replaying my memories of kissing every inch of her in my mind. “Im surprised you don’t use crystals on your skin” I commented half jokingly “Well I do incorporate some magic into my routine. Mostly herbs. I don’t just rub crystals on my face and look good” She laughed, finishing up and turning to look at me. “You look amazing.” I reply, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Not bad for an old lady right?” She asked, getting up and opening her closet. “Old lady?” I asked, as she pulled on some yoga pants and threw on a sports bra, followed by a loose t shirt. “I am a little bit over one hundred years old” shock must have shown on my face, because she laughed, as she came and sat next to me. “Youre immortal?” “Not exactly. My father was a human and my mother was witch. So its more like, I just age really, really, really slowly. Some witches, more powerful and more pure witches do posess immortality. I do not” “I see” I murmured as she leaned into me, resting her head on my shoulder. “Did your mother teach you your craft?” “For awhile.” Her voice had a touch of sadness to it when she answered. “My mother died when I was ten years old. My father blamed her death on her being a witch so, he worked to keep me away from it. Without continuing practice, a lot of my magic was lost.” “You have regained a lot of it though?” “Well, I have but I am still learning and growing. I am pretty handy with potions, I do great barrier spells, and I can open portals really well, that’s the first thing my mother taught me. I am also a great healer.” “Now that’s a skill we could use around the pack territory” I comment. “Lord knows someone is always fighting someone, breaking a nose or an arm.” “Maybe, but I don’t think wolves enjoy having a witch around.” “You’re my mate. They’ll respect having you around.” She didn’t say anything, but I could feel her body tense up against me. The mate bond was natural to me as a wolf, but to her it was a strange concept. “Breakfast?” I asked, hoping to shift the topic. She nodded in agreement, and we got ourselves dressed before heading out to get some food. Amelia Sitting together at breakfast, I couldn’t help but run through his words in my mind. I still did not fully understand the way this mate bond worked. He loved to use that word a lot. I felt a pull to him, in a way I have never felt for anyone ever before. I wanted to know him more and for him to know me better. I felt safe in his presence. We shared our meal in relative silence, As we were leaving breakfast his phone rang, and I could see he was conflicted about answering it. He rejected the call only for it to ring again. “Just answer it, it has to be important if they keep calling.” I laugh, giving him a small shove in the shoulder. He took his phone out and answered, his face quickly darkening with anger. “Yes, I’ll be right there. Handle it until then.” He barked, ending the call. Turning to me he pulled me against him in a hug, his lips pressing against my forehead. “I’m so sorry Mia. There are rogues attacking our border and I am needed. Apparently, they’ve wounded many in a sneak attack.” “Mia?” I smile at the nick name. I pull back from his hug and look up at him, the tension and fear for his pack etched into his face. The thought of him leaving sparked a sudden fear in me. Before I knew what I was doing I had grabbed his hand, squeezing tightly “Let me take you back. It will be faster. We can come back for your car once things are calm again. We just need to stop at my house for a few things.” “Okay.” He agreed, opening the car door for me. Only taking five minutes to get to the house, I ran in and grabbed a cross body bag, tossing in a few potions and herbs I thought I might need. I came out of my bedroom to find Damien on the phone in the living room, giving orders to the person on the other end. He hung up, and I stepped over to him, taking his hands. “I need you to help me, I’ve never been there. Close your eyes and envision the pack territory. I need you to see it clearly. Open your hands.” I turn his hands palms up and place a crystal into each. Holding my own hands inches above his, I mutter the words to open the portal, repeating them three times, then close my hands around his. I feel the magic course through me, as a portal opens beside us. I take his hand and walk through, pulling him behind me. As the portal closes, a blur of brown whips past us. “Look out!” Someone yells as a large black wolf comes racing past us, tackling the brown wolf and ripping into their throat. The sound of fighting surrounds us as I realize we have teleported right into the middle of the fight.
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