Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Amelia “What the f**k is that?!” I heard myself screech, but I felt disconnected from my own body. Damien froze mid thrust, his eyes snapping to mine, while other me stayed on his lap, grinning at me. Damien pushed her off, standing up and hurrying to tuck himself into his jeans, his eyes flickering between us in confusion. “Damien what the hell is going on?” I demanded, stepping closer. “Did you mark her?” I demanded, shock slowly giving way to rage. “I marked you; I mean her, I mean I marked my wife!” He sputtered, panic spreading across his face, as he turned to her and then back to me. A noise at the door behind me announced the arrival of Archie and Marcus, the latter clearly mid hangover. Both stopped short of me, staring between me and my newfound twin, unsure of what was happening. “Wife?!” I spat out, shock roiling through me. “Yeah you guys got married last night.or those guys? Someone got married…What…”Marcus confused by his own thoughts stuttered to a stop. “Damien…what is going on?” I asked, tears threatening to fall. “Amelia …I’m not sure.” He began, trailing off when she stepped towards me. “Poor little witch. Not a very good witch, are you?” She taunted, twirling a piece of my hair around her fingers. “Didn’t even see me coming. Didn’t sense the magic around you? How pathetic.” She sneered. “You’re a witch?” “Of course not, but who else could pull this off?" “Bailey” Archie said her name under his breath. “Aww…winner winner. Would you like a snack?” She stepped past me, planting a kiss on Archie, before stepping back to a still clearly shocked Damien. “You wanted to save me so badly, you didn’t even stop for a moment to think did you? You ran into a burning room, and straight into my friend’s portal.” She was right, I had run in when I heard her screams for help. Had they all been a lie? I ran into the room, and that was all I remembered. The next thing I knew I was waking up in the woods near the lake. “But the fire just happened, I just ran in, and then I was in the woods. And now you’re here and married to HER?!” I locked eyes with Damien, concern flickering there, and a hint of black, his wolf, near the surface for a moment, before Damien pushed him back down. “Ames it’s been a month.” Archie spoke softly, reaching out to hold my arm. “A…month?” I was gone a month, and nobody noticed. Not even Damien. “Yes. A month. You were whisked out by a real witch, with actual powers. She pulled you into her portal, knocked you out, and held you in her basement for a month. Once she came and convinced these other idiots I was dead, I was able to move ahead with my plans to marry Damien. Now I am bound to him by his mark. So, she dropped you into the woods.” “Why?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, as the realization of what was happening hit me. He didn’t even notice she wasn’t me. Didn’t he feel me in pain? How could he be fooled? “Because killing you would mean you would miss the pain. I wanted to take him, and your pack. Leave you broken. I was broken. I was cast out by another pack before this. Now this one is mine.” “No, this pack is MINE. It will never be yours.” Damien finally finding his voice, stepping forward towards me. I flinched back against Archie, stopping him in his tracks. “Amelia.please..I didn’t know..” “Didn’t you feel me? Did you share the sparks with her that you do with me? How did you not realize?” Tears began to break free, my resolved against them breaking with my heart. “Too lost in superior pussy.” Bailey sneered, prompting me to lunge at her, landing a solid punch to her nose, before Archie pulled me back. “Is that it?” she taunted, wiping a small trickle of blood from her nostril, a smile spreading across her face. “Little witch…you have lost it all.” She pranced out of the room laughing as she went. Leaving us all standing in disbelief. “Amelia please.” Damien pleaded. I shook my head, fighting to keep what few tears hadn’t escaped in. “You’ve betrayed me.” “No, I would never, Amelia I had no idea.” “But you should have! You should have noticed my scent was different, there should be no sparks when you touch her! You should feel ME. Our mate bond…you married her, and marked her.” I sobbed out the last part, knowing how important the mark is in the wolf pack. “Marcus go keep an eye on that psycho please.” Archie sent Marcus off, while wrapping me up in his arms, letting me sob into his chest. “We should imprison her. We can get the marriage annulled…reject her.” He spoke to Damien, running through a game plan, while comforting me. “We have to get the council leader here. We have to find out options. Those are a good plan, but I need to be sure it would work.” “Be sure?!” I shouted, “Rejecting her should be a non-issue!” I broke from Archie, rushing to Damien and shoving him as hard as I could. “You shouldn’t even be in this mess!” I pounded my fists against his chest, sobs racking my body as I could no longer fight my breaking heart. Archie excused himself to go find the council leader, leaving us alone. “Amelia love, please. We can fix this. I am so sorry. I don’t know how it happened. We were just so stressed by the fire, busy trying to find what we thought was a missing Bailey. She had your face, your voice. I didn’t even register the scent was missing or the tingles form our contact. For days she didn’t even come close to me.” “Oliver should have noticed.” I spoke quietly, my sobs turning into silent tears. I pushed away from him, putting up a barrier between us. “You have betrayed me to my core.” I whispered, opening a portal behind me. “Amelia please, no. I can fix this. We will fix this!” He cried, trying to get to me, but the barrier spell holding him back. “ I never want to see you again.” I backed into my portal, snapping it closed behind me. Damien I stood there, staring at the spot she had just been standing in. Bewildered by what had just happened. “Oliver…” I noticed he was very quiet. Had he been quiet this whole time? How long had it been since we last spoke? He was too quiet. I stormed out the room, striding down the hallway, Seeing Marcus standing outside of my bedroom. He jerked his head towards the door, indicating she was inside, and I burst through the door to find her sprawled out on the bed, still naked. “What the f**k did you do Bailey?” I demanded, biting back on my rage. “I took what I wanted. What I deserved.” She purred, stretching out nonchalantly. “Why can’t I hear my wolf?” “Oh that..just a little cocktail my friends whipped up for me. I slip it into your morning coffee. Quiet little wolfy..” She rolled over onto her stomach, pushing herself to her knees, fully displaying her naked form. She still had Amelias face and body, and it enraged me. I moved across the room in 3 strides, wrapping my hand around her neck, pulling her to her feet, bringing her to my eye level, and squeezing hard. “I will kill you.” I gritted out through my teeth, her eyes flickering between defiance and fear, as she began to struggle with her breathing. “Okay okay…Im sorry.” She forced the words out as she struggle to take in air. “It will pass in 24 hours. If you don’t drink it again, he will resurface.” I dropped her to the floor, as she gasped for air. “Take off her face while you’re at it.” I glowered, pacing across the room while my mind reeled. “I can’t,” She began, closing her mouth when she saw my face. “ I have to ask the witch who helped me.” “I don’t care if you have to climb a mountain and throw yourself off. In fact, Ill help.” I heard myself saying, the anger inside me boiling over, when there was a knock at the door. “What?!” I shouted, still glaring at her. “The council leader is here.” Archie responded, “Waiting in your office.” I heard him walking away from the door. “Perfect.” I moved back over to her, grabbing her by her hair, and dragging her with me towards the hall. “WAIT!” She shouted, fighting against me. “Damien, you would never treat a woman this way.” She pleaded, tears shining in the corner of her eyes. “ I would treat a conniving little b***h this way. “ I responded, dropping her back to the floor. “Get dressed and move.” I commanded in my alpha voice, watching her scramble to get up. She was right, but I could barely see past my rage. She threw on a dress and we headed down to the office, finding Archie, Marcus, and the pack council leader huddled together around the desk. “When can we get this annulled?” I demanded, flopping into my chair. “Well…sir, it seems that we can’t.” The council leader hesitated, before pushing a stack of papers towards me. “The marriage contracts always come with prenup language, agreements to protect the pack. It’s usually standard so we didn’t think to double check for changes.” “What changes?” I began flipping through the papers, looking for what did not belong. “It seems, Alpha, that she slipped in a few pages we didn’t see. The contract is binding. The only way out of this marriage is through death.” I found the section he was discussing, and sat back in my chair in defeat, handing the page to Archie to read out loud. “ In this clause, the parties agree that once bound through marriage by the council leader, and bound by the mark from the Alpha, this marriage cannot be annulled, nor separated through divorce, cheating, or other machinations; in doing so the alpha forfeits his place as alpha, and forfeits his pack, denouncing each pack member as rogues, and casting them out to the woods to live as rogues. So, it is written.” He sat down across from me, setting down the paper, and going quiet. “If I break the contract, the entire pack suffers.” I could not believe, the pathetic, broken little rogue was a master manipulator. No wonder the rush to get married. “Let’s kill her” Marcus filled the silence, looking to each one of us in turn for someone to agree with him. “She accounted for that as well.” Archies’s voice a mix of annoyance and defeat. “If the marriage is ended through unnatural death, the pack will also be rendered broken. The loss of their luna should be the greatest shame they carry, as they themselves become rogues, as she once was.” “That evil b***h” Marcus commented as Archie finished reading the last of the pages she had inserted. “Surely this is not binding. It is too absurd.” I insisted to the pack leader, looking for him to agree with me. Instead he just shook his head, looking at me with pity. “This cannot be binding.” I whispered to myself, the realization that she now had control of everything taking over. “She bound it all through the mark. And through blood.” He showed me the page with our signatures from the day we got married, our initials inked in blood at the bottom, as was customary. “I didn’t even think twice about the blood bind.” I whispered, tracing my own initials as if touching them would change the outcome. “Too lost in the pussy.” Marcus commented, earning a slap in the back of the head from Archie. Pouring over the pages, looking for any loopholes, we spent the long hours into the night trying to come up with something that can fix things. As the sun rose, I could feel Oliver resurfacing. As I felt his heart breaking, and heard his anguished owls filling our head, I still had no idea, it would be three years before I saw my love again.

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