Chapter 2 To Make Her Name

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Hermione felt complex and did not know how to answer Bryson. She slowly turned her head and looked at Bryson. Bryson seldom smiled, but his smile was as soft as a spring breeze. With starry eyes, his smiling face was beautiful. Hermione thought, he must be very happy to be with his sweetheart. Hermione smiled too, but it was a sad one. "I also wish you happiness." After that, she turned around and got into the car. Tears streamed down her face as soon as the car door closed. Hermione wanted to huddle up because of the new injury and the old pain. The driver put Hermione's suitcase in the trunk, got in the car, and started the engine. Bryson watched the car drive away. His smile froze, and the light in his eyes dimmed. This was the Sullivan's home. Hermione pulled her suitcase into the house. Mary Sullivan noticed Hermione's red and swollen eyes, as well as the suitcase. She was shocked. "Hermione, what happened?" With her head down, Hermione changed her shoes and said with fake calmness, "I will live here from now on." "Do you mean you will live separately from Bryson?" Mary sprang up to her feet from the sofa. "Yes, his ex-girlfriend is back." Mary instantly flared up. "Three years ago, Bryson had a car accident, and the doctor said that he would never leave his wheelchair for the rest of his life. His ex-girlfriend instantly dumped him and fled! You were the one who kept Bryson company, traveled around the world for his treatment, and massaged his legs for his recovery. You took care of him day and night like a nanny! Now, Bryson can run and jump, so that woman wants him back. Shame on her! Bryson is shameful too! He dumps you for such a heartless woman! Is he blind?" Hermione bent down, took out the check from her suitcase, and stuffed it into Mary's hand. "This is his compensation." Mary stared at the zeros on the check, and her eyes suddenly became wide open. Mary counted the zeros and found that there were eight on the check. She softened a bit. "It is not about money. He is rich, but he can't hurt others at will." Hermione lowered her head slightly and said softly, "Mom, many husbands do not give a single cent and even scheme against their wives for divorces. Some men even kill their wives to protect their property. In comparison, Bryson isn't that bad." "However, can you swallow this humiliation?" Hermione smiled bitterly. "What can I do? To make a scene? Will it work? No! He doesn't love me, so it is useless to force him to be with me. Moreover, I can't make him stay. Mom, I am tired. Some sleep may do me good." "Then, go." Mary looked at Hermione with sadness and sighed. Mary thought, Hermione is too subservient. I feel sorry for her. Hermione turned and went to her bedroom. She slept for 48 hours. Worried, Mary went to the bedroom from time to time to check whether Hermione was still alive by putting one finger under her nose. Hermione could not sleep. She did not want to move. Hermione didn't feel hungry, and her whole body was sore and feeble. There seemed to be a big hole in her heart. Hermione felt that doomsday had arrived. On the third day, Hermione struggled to get up. After washing up, Hermione called Bryson. "Is the divorce agreement ready? When will we go through the formality of our divorce?" After a moment of silence, Bryson said, "I'm on a business trip. Let's talk about it later." "Okay. I'm going to work. Call me in advance when you are ready." "Did you get a job? So quick? Where?" Bryson asked with concern. "I will work in an antique shop. The shopkeeper there has invited me to work there many times." "You don't need to work hard. If you need money, just tell me." Bryson's voice was low and gentle. It was like the moonlight Hermione coveted. Hermione felt sad. "No, thank you." After breakfast, Hermione went to Knicker Antique Shop by taxi. Erick Brown, the son of the shopkeeper, welcomed Hermione into the shop. Erick wore a light blue shirt and khaki trousers. He was slender and gentlemanlike. After introducing Hermione to his workers downstairs, Erick brought Hermione upstairs to meet Ted Copperfield, a senior connoisseur. "Mr. Copperfield, this is Hermione, the successor of Magic Hand, Mr. Sullivan. She is good at restoring ancient paintings. She will work here from now on. If you have any questions at work, ask her." Ted, who was nearly sixty years old, looked at Hermione through his reading glasses. Ted thought, what can a girl in her early twenties do? Around her age, I was still an apprentice. It is ridiculous that Mr. Brown thinks highly of her and told me to ask for her opinions! Ted said nothing rude but had a mutinous mind. After Erick left, Ted asked Hermione, "Hermione, you're young. How many years have you worked in this field?" "More than ten years," Hermione said with a faint smile. "How old are you?" Ted asked with doubt. "Twenty-three." Ted thought, what a liar! You will regret what you just bragged about later. What one can do is more important than what he says in this field! Right then, one shop worker appeared upstairs for business. Therefore, Hermione and Ted went downstairs with this shop worker. A man in his thirties asked if anyone could restore the old and dirty painting in his hand. Ted looked over and saw a piece of paper, black, tattered, wrinkled, and full of wormholes. Only the top restorers in the country had the confidence to take on the challenge. Ted looked at Hermione gloatingly. "Hermione, it is your chance. Don't disappoint us." Hermione walked over, took the painting, and looked at it again and again. Then, she said to her client, "It can be restored." The man was excited. "Who will restore it? How long will it take?" "Me. In three days." "You?" The man sized up the young Hermione with doubt. "This is a famous painting from 400 years ago! The bidding in an auction for it starts at 150 thousand dollars. Don't damage it!" The crowd looked at Hermione with doubt and thought, three days? Too arrogant! Ted smacked his lips and rubbed his beard. "Hermione, it's a good thing for the young to be aggressive, but one should know his limits. If you can't restore the painting, the reputation of Knicker Antique Shop will be affected. Given the situation of the painting, even the masters don't have the confidence to restore it in three days. Don't they spend months or years restoring an ancient painting?" Ted tried to warn Hermione not to overestimate herself. Hermione said firmly, "Three days is enough for me. I will double the market price as compensation if I fail." The man wanted to sell his painting at an auction after the restoration. Hearing the promise from Hermione, he immediately agreed. "Let's sign a contract now." "Okay." After the evaluation and signing of the contract, Hermione took the painting upstairs for restoration. Hermione pushed open the door. Two large wooden desks half the height of a person were in the room. There were rows of professional tools, such as brushes, knives, and towels. The restoration of the ancient paintings consisted of four steps, and they were washing, peeling, patching, and completing. Hermione asked for a pot of boiling water and then began to clean the painting with a knife. She was careful with every move. Hermione had to clean the stains on the painting without damaging its fragile paper fibers. It was easier said than done. From little, Hermione had learned from her grandfather to restore ancient paintings. Therefore, the restoration of this painting was a piece of cake for her. Bryson's grandparents loved to collect antiques. In the past two years, Hermione had been in charge of the restoration of their ancient paintings. Therefore, Hermione restored some paintings in worse situations than this one. The clock was ticking. Hermione was busy during those three days. Hermione loved this busy life because she could forget Bryson for the time being. Moreover, her sadness was diluted. Three days later, the client came back for his painting. Hermione took her work downstairs. The man looked at his painting with astonishment. "Is this painting I brought here? Did you bring me a different one?" Ted and the other shop workers came over one after another. They were taken aback too. The mountains in the painting were undulating with steep peaks, and the trees in the mountains were verdant and lifelike. Is this the painting that looked like a piece of broken and dirty paper? the man wondered. Hermione said indifferently, "You may use the detector to check it." After the test, the man gave Hermione a thumbs-up and left with satisfaction. The news spread out soon. From then on, it was known in Antique Street that there was a young and beautiful restorer in Knicker Antique Shop. She was in her early twenties but was a master in her field. The dusk came. Bryson called Hermione. "My car is outside your shop. Come out now." Hearing the familiar voice, Hermione felt heartache. Hermione checked the watch on her wrist and said softly, "It's getting dark. It's too late to go to City Hall now. Could we go tomorrow morning?" Bryson remained silent for a moment. "Grandma wants to see us. She said that she had something important to tell us."
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