Series 4

520 Words
CHAPTER 4 – LION One hour later, we are ready. I and the boy go to the boat. One man goes with us. He is our boss for today. Soon, we are far from the land. But we can’t catch fish. Then, we go very far from the land. Our boss thinks that we can catch fish there. At one moment, our boss goes to the front of the boat. I quickly push him to the sea. He wants to swim back. I take a gun. When he sees the gun, he swims away. When he is away, I look at the boy. I want to know if he is on my side. I see that he is on my side. After two years, I am free. We go very fast. The wind is good. The next day, we are far from the pirate land. But we don’t stop. We continue. After six days, we must stop. We need some fresh water. We wait for the night. Then, we go to the land. When we are near the land, we hear horrible noises. The boy doesn’t want to continue. He is scared. We stay on the boat near the land. But we can’t sleep. Some animals come to wash in the water. The animals make horrible noises. The boy is very scared. Then, we hear that one animal swims to us. The boy wants to go away. But I don’t want to go away. I take one gun. I shoot at the animal. The animal turns. Then, the animal swims to the land. The other animals hear the gun. They go away too. We stay on the boat. It is morning. We eat bread for breakfast. The boy wants to go to the beach. I go with him. We take guns. We take big bottles for water. I don’t go very far. I want to see the boat. The boy continues alone. The boy returns after some time. He runs. I think that some animal runs after him. But I see nothing dangerous. He has an animal in his hand. The animal is a chicken. He is very happy. I am happy too. We have good meat and fresh water. We don’t see dangerous animals. I don’t know where we are. I only know that we are near Africa. I think that we are near a land where no people live. We don’t see people on the land. We only hear animals. One day, when we go for fresh water, we see a lion. The lion sleeps on the beach. He is very big. He is only 20 metres from us. The boy is scared. Then, the lion opens his eyes. When the lion sees us, he runs to us. We don’t have much time. I must shoot at the lion. I have three guns. The first bullet hits his leg. The second bullet hits his head. The third bullet finishes the animal. We can’t eat the meat. The meat is not good. But we take the skin. We put the skin on the boat. The skin is dry soon.
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