Chapter Four

2674 Words

Chapter FourSlate As Keaton follows me over to the table where Blond Glasses Guy sits, I take quick stock of its occupants: our target, plus one man and two women, nobody sitting close enough to each other to suggest any sort of romantic connection. So he has female friends. I add a point to my mental scoreboard. A low bar, I know, but I’ve met a depressing number of guys in my time who didn’t clear it. This at least suggests that he sees women as more than conquests. “Excuse me,” I say to announce our approach, and Blond Glasses Guy looks up. “I couldn’t help but notice you were checking out my friend here.” Flustered, he blinks rapidly, his gaze flicking between me and Keaton. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.” I laugh. He probably thinks I’m here to start a fight. “Actually,

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