Chapter 4 - The Assumed Murder Plot

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Chapter 4 - The Assumed Murder Plot "What the hell is this?" Alec storms into the kitchen with the plate I previously prepared in one hand and a murderous look on his face. I freeze momentarily, unsure of how to answer his question. "Uhm, fish?" I say before correcting myself with a cough. "Salmon." I add, looking at the plate he's holding, and keeping a close eye on the vein that seems to pop any second now on his thick, muscular neck. Why am I noticing his muscles? "And were you planning on killing me by serving undercooked fish, Melody?" He demands, as if I just served him those bitter almonds I was contemplating earlier. His attitude and downright brattiness that reminds me of a spoiled little boy makes me forget I was supposed to be Melody, and my own personality shines through for a second. "No, I didn't plan on killing you by serving you undercooked fish. If I were, my method wouldn't involve any cooking, though it may or may not involve some gutting." I slap my hand over my mouth as soon as the words are out in the open. I swear I planned on only saying the first part out loud, the gutting part wasn't supposed to make it to Alec's ears, and give him ideas on how to kill me. Surprisingly enough, Alec smiles and his whole face changes, taking me aback a little. A smile, a genuine smile is the last thing I was expecting based on the sheer fury that was in his eyes when he marched in here. Is he amused by the disrespectful response he got from me? I wonder while I can't help the weird feeling I get in my stomach upon seeing that dazzling smile. Admitting to myself that I find Alec attractive makes me lose my train of thought for a second, and makes me question myself. Alec finally drops the plate onto the kitchen island and leaves without saying another word, the smiles still lingering on his face. I must have remained rooted to my spot for a few minutes, wondering what the f**k just happened, before I took the fork that Alec most likely used to taste my cooking. That pompous and spoiled brat! Smiling wickedly, I start eating the fish that is now cold, but in my opinion, perfectly cooked. I just know he's watching me, I can feel the invisible eyes, and I have this weird perverse satisfaction in that, so I make sure to chew extra slowly and give him a show. And the worst part is, that this is all Ruby, not a single trace of Melody, and it's f*****g disturbing, but it does plant a new seed in my head. Maybe, just maybe I can try and be a little more Melody and get into his bed after all. Experience has taught me that men tend to divulge things they wouldn't otherwise, after having s*x with a beautiful woman. But that has to be the plan to use if everything else fails, because no matter how fit he is, Alec is nothing but a cold blooded killer, just like his father, and my mission is to bring both of them to justice, be that human or divine. With that in mind I take the shopping bags and give the kitchen one last look. It's spotless, and it's nearly dark outside on what was supposed to be my day off. I'm knackered, so I head to bed, working out how to plant the bug in Alec's bedroom tomorrow, and not get killed in the process. While I noticed everyone else that resides in the compound has their room as far away from Alec's as possible, the devil has given a room right across the hall from his. Which is why, I am now gritting my teeth hard, threatening to chip them, upon hearing not so subtle giggles from outside my room. It would appear as Mr Vaughan has company again tonight, as in the paid kind, because she sounds just as fake as I sounded when I was seducing my previous marks.  "Pathetic!" I mutter, hoping they wouldn't hear me, yet hoping they would, all at the same time. I hear hushed whispers and more moaning than I would have liked before falling asleep at night, yet it finally stops when a door opens and closes with a bang. So they finally made it to his bedroom. I think to myself. That's going to be fun to clean up in the morning. I shudder and try hard on forcing those images out of my head. And morning came, sooner than I would have liked. For some reason I found it difficult to fall asleep knowing that Alec and a random bimbo were going at it so close to me. At least that's what I told myself, because being bothered by the fact that said bimbo was supposed to be me, doesn't sound right. Rapid knocking on my door makes me tense up and hurry with tying my hard in a ponytail. I've ditched the heavy make-up and lost most of the hair extensions since it became clear that Melody is an employee and not Alec's girlfriend, yet I still get up ridiculously early to make sure I look like she would. "Melody, can you..." I open the door stopping Alec mid sentence. He keeps the annoyed look on his face as he shamelessly checks me out before resuming talking. "... come and tidy up my room before preparing me some breakfast?" No 'please', but that would be too much to ask from an arrogant and entitled ass like him. I smirk as it becomes obvious he lingered a little too long on the swell of my breasts, biting my tongue to stop me from saying something that I would normally say. But a little Ruby still shines through as Alec leads me to his bedroom and I take sight of the dishevelled bed. Fantastic! I might need some gloves before I tackle that. "You and your uhm... guest... had fun, I see." I say while scrunching my nose in disgust and pointing to the bed. I can't help the bile rising in my throat at the thought of what nasty happens happened in there, that I now have to clean up, nor I can help my sharp tongue. "I've gotten what I needed from her before it got to that, thankfully, otherwise I would have asked my assistant to book me in for an STD check. She did pass out on the floor, so you might want to be careful what you are stepping in to." He says nonchalantly and heads for the bathroom. "Oh, and Melody, I'm a messy sleeper though, so if you don't mind doing you job, Melody..." Shocked at his blunt confession, and thinking that he might have drugged the poor woman and taken advantage of her, I clear my throat to recover as best as I can. "Well then, I am glad I'm not your assistant." I chirp as I strip the bed and contemplate burning the sheets for safe measure. The chuckle that comes from the bathroom confirms that he heard me. I find my lips curving up in a smile, and I shake my head, disappointed in myself. Before Alec even got out of the shower, because yes, I heard the water running and instantly my stupid mind conjured a very detailed visual, I was finished with changing his sheets and tidying his bed as best as I could. I was on my knees, scrubbing the hardwood floor next to the bed, hoping that any traces of his STD carrying friend will be erased, when I heard him get out of the bathroom and pause. Unable to contain my smirk when I can feel that he's checking out my ass, I wiggle it just slightly while pretending to wipe an inexistent spot on the impeccable floor. He groans before he stomps away to his walk in closet. Done with cleaning his room, I take another look to make sure he will be pleased and then scurry out of his room before Alec managed to emerge from his walk in closet. As I made my way downstairs to get started on the breakfast that his Lordship Alec requested, I notice a woman's silhouette lingering by the front door. Intrigued, I quietly creep closer, hoping that Alec is still in his bedroom and won't see me on his spy cameras. I notice that Ricky is out there along with another guard, and they are trying to convince her to leave, quietly, and without casing a scene. I walk a little closer to a window that better allows me to see out, the curiosity getting the best of me.  The woman is whining, clearly distressed, and keeps asking to see Alec before she leaves, but the guys are not having it. A lightbulb switches on in my head, and I realise this is the moaning lady I heard last night. Though, lady is not a word that may define her, especially not after Alec's lose comments earlier. I shudder in disgust, but the most pressing question I have is what is she still doing here? She doesn't seem like she's clingy and trying to cause a scene, on the contrary. She seems scared and by the way she keeps looking left and right, she is afraid that someone might see her here. "You don't understand. I have to speak to Alec. I can't go back without any reassurance that it won't be graced back to me. He'll kill me." I hear her say in a quiet, yet scared, voice. I raise my eyebrows, captivated by the show outside. I can't help but wonder if the cheap bastard did not pay her and she's afraid to go back to her pimp short of cash. But as I squint to take a closer look at the woman's face, and then taking in her attire which does not resemble the one of a call girl, I almost gasp when I recognise who she is. She is Diana Pierce and she was the Head of Campaign, and essentially the one who helped Conrad win his Governor's position. She is still Conrad's go to person for any public and image issues that he might have, just like he did after Daniel's death and the fingers that were pointing to his son as a possible suspect. Diana also happens to be way too old for Alec and very much married, to a woman that is, but hey, that's bottom of the shocking list right now. What I desperately want to know is why was Alec seducing his dad's former campaign manager and why is she so scared after the time they've spent together.
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