Chapter 35

1753 Words

Veronica "Hold this" she throws it at me. "I want this as well, do you think it's good, will he like it" she shows the lingerie to Stacy. "It's sexy, I'm sure he'll love it and it's red, all women look sexy in red" she answers. Turns out that she was going lingerie shopping and I'm her go cart.  This shop is making me feel awkward but they kept on taking incredibly short clothes and admiring them. If I Hadn't seen the lingerie is sign imprinted on top of the shop, I would have never known. "I think I should take all, I'll have enough time to wear them all as it is, we are married as it is" she says. "That reminds me, when are you and Roman planning to get married now, with the baby on the way, you should get married soon" she adds. "We have agreed that I should finish high school

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