Chapter 30

1539 Words

Veronica "What do you mean by that?" Alex asks. "You heard me right" he answers. "But there is nobody here who is a worker, we all family and friends" he says. The others nodded in agreement as well.  Well, I know I am not any of those things. He keeps staring at me as if he wants me to say something. "Stop joking around man, why are you acting so moody?" he asks in a concerned voice. "I guess it's sitting with all the old people is quite rubbing off on him" someone says and they all start laughing. The only people that aren't laughing is me and him.  My case is that I feel so cared and humiliated right now, even though the others don't really know who he is talking about yet. "Veronica" he calls my name in a slow soft voice. One would think that he is feeling sleepy or someth

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