Chapter Five The first I saw o’ these fine fellows was a day or so after, when they passed over my bridge. I took ‘em at face value—what else was I likely to do? Told me all about their good selves, they did—sold me a fine pack o’ lies! I let ‘em pass. Should’ve pushed them into the river instead. Their arrival set the whole town to talkin’, as ye may imagine—flashin’ money about an’ makin’ a fine show o’ wealth as they were. We shall see how my Sophy handled the news by an’ by. Sophy felt in low spirits after her return from Aylfenhame. The colours of Tilby in Spring, however vivid, could not compare to the scintillating hues of Grenlowe’s meadows which had delighted her eye and her heart in equal measure; the food served by poor faithful Mary and Thundigle, though excellent in its way