Part 5

1641 Words
Athea felt like her legs were going to fall off. It was colder than usual which is something she always complains. She stepped in and was immediately surrounded by a cold draft. Her teeth began to chatter.  Just then her eyes fell on the fireplace and relief sank in her bones. She turned around and looked at her Alphas, not hers fully but anyways. They were standing there perfectly still, not even bugged about it being cold. "Are you cold?" Aries finally asked sensing her discomfort. Finally! She thought lifting her head and to stare at him. The omega blew a breath, "Yes" He grunted and walked towards the fireplace without hesitation. Maybe he cared. She ignored that little voice inside her head and focused on warming herself. After a few seconds of rubbing her gloved hands, she felt warmth surround her. The smell of fresh wood being burned filled the room. "Let us show you around and get this done with" Archer grumbled walking ahead. She glared at his grumpy face but instead said nothing and followed him along with his brothers. She liked the cabin. It was warm and cosy. Not to mention a bit away from the packhouse. It was sort of comforting because she was intimidated by the number of Alpha scents present there. For too many for her liking. "This is the living room of course and adjoining it is the kitchen" Archer slid the door of the kitchen and before she could peek inside and take a good look he was already walking forward. "This is a guest room and the next room is a mini library" Aron interrupted with a smile and she hummed. She thought that three of them would be the same considering they were triplets but Aron was sweet with her. She liked him. Whoa! That's too quick. She just liked how he was sweet. That's all. Flustered at the internal struggle she looked around. Even though the cabin was cosy, it was messy and it required some tweaking. She can do that of course. That's why she completed her certificate course in designing. "We all share a room and its that one at the corner." Aries quietly said tilting his head in the other direction. She followed his stare and noticed a brown door. Athea was curious to step inside and see how it looked like. Archer made a sound, "So if you need anything we are just across the room. But don't knock for silly things like spiders in your room" She nodded her head, not really listening to him as she was more focused on the door. "Are you listening?" She was not. Athea was lost in her own daydreams, staring hard at the door. "Are you from chimpanzee family?" She hummed but then realised the questioned and snapped her head towards Aries. He had a playful glint in his eyes and Archer looked amused at that. "Oh really. Then what are you doing here?" He joked Her cheeks felt red but she just rolled her eyes. Stupid Alphas. She didn't reply anything to that so they continued with the tour. As she walked more she noticed everything about the cabin, how it was strewed with dust as if it wasn't used for a while and all the intricate work on walls. There was no doubt that it was the house of a person with taste. There was a small garden surrounding the cabin and that patch of land was used to cultivate vegetables. Only a few survived in the harsh weather. And connecting the garden was the muddy area filled with wood. "This is your bedroom." Aron grinned pushing open the door to the room after they walked back inside. Her face turned sour at the sight of the room. It was half the size of her room and she could feel their stare on her. There was a single bed in the middle with a huge lamp on the nightstand beside. At the corner, the dressing table was touching the closet. Also, the tiny couch at the end of the bed was slightly worn out. But thankfully she had an adjoining bathroom to the room. "Do you like it?" She swallowed hard at Aries voice, not knowing how to answer. Her room didn't even have heat, for God's sake, and it was less than five degrees outside. She wanted to cry so badly, but she couldn't. With three Alphas in front of him, she'd be made fun of for days. "It doesn't matter" Archer scoffed, "She's only staying for few months anyways" Athea glared at him, feeling the urge to rip off that hair from the head. She was never a violent person, for crying out loud she never even had these thoughts but Archer created that feeling inside her. "Now that you got to know about the cabin..." Aries trailed and looked over at his brothers. "We want you to cook for us." Archer huffed Oh. She thought her mouth parted slightly. Beth's words rang in her ears and she instantly regretted not learning much. She knew basics of course but it had been a while since she cooked anything. "Um," She started, "I am not sure I know the way around kitchen yet" "You can't cook?!" Aries asked in a high pitched voice. Athea wanted to roll her eyes at that. He looked so offended. It was because packs in Alaska were still rooted in old traditions. Omegas are supposed to cook, clean and take care of their Alphas. Stupid stereotypes really. Athea raised her nose in the air, too proud to admit that she knew only basics, "Of course I can. What kind of omega do you think I am?" "The one that lies," Archer said "I don't lie" She lied meeting his eyes daringly Archer gritted his teeth together as if he was holding back. He gave her one look and then moved his eyes away. Aries interrupted, "My brothers and I have a lot of work to do, we are already late. So get the meal done by the time we are back" She squeaked in agreement and they turned their backs to her, walking towards the garden. "Wait," Athea said, "W-What do you all like?"  They all paused on the top step, turning towards her like she was stupid. "We like meat," Aries mumbled quietly and then they all walked out. Meat. Way to be specific. She groaned, glaring at their backs before heading kitchen. Unpacking can wait. She opened the refrigerator and scrunched her nose at the amount of meat inside. Stocking food for weeks was a common method due to unexpected weather. Finally, he decided on the stew. Who could go wrong with soup, right? She grabbed the necessary ingredients and frowned when she noticed two white grains of salt. Which one was salt again? Maybe both so she just picked the most white one. Athea wandered in the living as the stew was done. The dining table caught her eye. It was small, with a table for four. She set the bowls and stew on the table and walked to call them out. She stepped on the porch and scanned the thick lining of trees. They weren't out front, but she could hear them out back, so she headed around back.   The sight in front of her made her breath hitch. Archer was shirtless and glistening, swinging an axe above his head and chopping wood. Aron was collecting the chopped wood in the little shed they built in the corner, and Aries was carrying tree stumps to be chopped. She couldn't help but stare. The air she breathed was thick with testosterone and pheromones and it stirred something inside of her. As if sensing her presence they all halted and looked up, blinking their eyes at her darkened stare. Their breaths were heavy as if they could inhale her arousal. And the thought itself made her cheeks hot. "Um." She stuttered, biting his lip and trying to blush again. "Your meat- no I mean the meat's done. I made food." "Very articulate omega" Aries chuckled as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. Archer dropped his axe and stepped forward. She wanted to run her hands on his built body, trail her fingers across those hard pecs and grip those bulging biceps. "What is it?" Aron raised his eyebrow while wiping his hand across the fabric of his jeans. "Stew" She replied Aron stared hard before nodding his head. "Sounds good" Aries hummed in lieu of an answer and dumped the wood harshly. She flinched as the sound rang in her ears. "You should go inside omega," Archer said as he picked his shirt up. "Yeah, we will join you in a minute" Aron grinned. "Okay..." She said before eyeing them and then walked inside. As she arranged the bowls and checked the stew once again it hit her. She only made stew. All her bets were on that thing and it if it didn't turn well? She didn't even want to imagine how angry they will be. Also, the biscuits or bread are served with stew right? How did she forget? Just then she heard shuffling and their scents hit her. She turned around. "Spoons!" She yelled staring at them  She trudged over to grab four spoons bowls from the cabinets. It was high and she couldn't reach the top. She bit her lip, thinking whether to climb the counter or not when she felt Alpha come behind her. It was Aries, his hands came around her petite waist. Her breath hitched in her throat as his rough calloused hands gripped her. "Don't want you to hurt yourself omega" He whispered and she felt like staying in his arms forever, surrounded by his scent. ***
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