6| Cheating on his wife

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Dylan got to his company - a mobile production company in their city as he's known far and wide, and he has foreign partners too. He parked his car - a Honda Jeep - in the company parking lot and made his way into the five-story building as he went up to the third floor where his office is. Settling into his office seat, he resumed his office work, and after finishing his office tasks for the day and meeting with some top partners and clients who wanted his brand and new models of his products too, Dylan finally relaxed in his executive black chair and got a phone call from Rosie Andrew. Rosie was so excited about wanting to know if Jessica had finally signed the divorce papers. "Hello babe, good morning," Rosie spoke first excitedly into Dylan's ear on the phone call. Dylan stared at his phone screen and replied to Rosie, "Good morning sweetheart, how was your night?" "Not good without having you here with me," Rosie shamelessly replied in a more seductive voice, and Dylan swallowed hard as he slowly loosened his necktie a bit to free up his neck. He apologized to Rosie, "I'm sorry, but you know that I cannot continue to sleep outside of my home as it might ruin my reputation if it gets out to the knowledge of my customers and fans online." Rosie was silent on the phone as she frowned, but she finally replied to Dylan, "Don't you love me enough, Dylan? Why care more about your fans than me?" "No babe, don't get it all wrong. You know if I don't settle my marriage issue with Jessica first amicably and make it known that I'm no longer married to Jessica, some fans might become angry about it and want to ruin my business too. You know that I cannot allow that to happen, knowing that Jessica played a vital role in my business and establishments," Dylan said as he tried to explain his reasoning to Rosie over the phone. Rosie's frown deepened in her room, as she knew that she didn't truly love Dylan anymore; she only wanted his money. She couldn't believe that Dylan would become rich again and bounce back to be a billionaire and away from poverty. She knew that Dylan's parents were rich before, but his father got scammed by a foreign woman who took all his wealth, and that made Dylan and the rest of his two siblings poor. Rosie was younger then, and she wanted a wild life as she was 19 years old when Dylan's parents lost their wealth and became poor overnight; Dylan's education came crashing too. Rosie couldn't put up with the fact that her boyfriend of three years had turned poor overnight, and he couldn't afford to buy her expensive things anymore. So an opportunity came for her to travel out and further her education abroad. She wasted no time in traveling out, and she didn't tell Dylan about it; neither could she tell him to his face that they had broken up and she was no longer in love with him. Rosie pretended with Dylan over the years that she still loved him, whereas she had moved on abroad and was sleeping with other men. She only spoke to Dylan on the phone and refused to return to the city until now. It had been nine good years since Rosie left the country and Dylan too, and their relationship. But now that Rosie was back home to her parents' house, her parents were no longer rich again because of how her father's company was bought and claimed by Mr. Luke Albert. Rosie researched the billionaire man named Mr. Luke Albert who had bought her father's company to help her father clear off his debt in exchange for the company. Her father's company name was changed to LA Groups. Rosie saw that Mr. Luke Albert was an elderly man and he had two sons and only one daughter. As she researched Mr. Luke's sons online to know if she could date any of the two billionaire men, in her bid to find the two sons of Mr. Luke Albert, Rosie stumbled upon Dylan's profile page too. She saw that Dylan was even married to Mr. Luke's daughter, and Dylan was Mr. Luke's first son-in-law as none of Mr. Luke's sons were married. Both men were single and not the social types, as they avoided scandals or women in general. Rosie was shocked to enter Dylan's profile page and see that he was already married. She saw his wedding photo with his beautiful wife, and not only that, Dylan was now a billionaire too, with a multimillion-dollar company and two children. "How manage?" Rosie had asked herself in shock to see that Dylan wasn't a poor guy anymore, as she had thought he would end up becoming. She wasted no time in copying Dylan's company address, as she thought it best to see Dylan in his office after she was sure that he was the same man that she had dated ten years ago. Rosie proceeded to visit Dylan at DY Group, and she faked her tears and cried to him when she got into Dylan's executive office. She accused Dylan of cheating on her and that he couldn't even wait for her to return to the country before he went ahead and married another woman, forgetting all the love that they shared. Rosie hadn't thought that Dylan would accept her so easily, as she thought he still loved Mr. Luke Albert's daughter much more than her or their past failed relationship, but Dylan accepted her easily and told her, "It's not how you're seeing it, Rosie. I still love you, but it just happened that I met my wife, and she helped me become the man that I am today." "And how about me, Dylan? How about us? Our promise, the love we shared, my virginity that you took? How can you do this to me? I was hoping that once I got back to the city, we would become married. How could you just move on so easily, Dylan? And forget about me?" Rosie threw all manner of questions at Dylan to make him feel like the bad man in their relationship, whereas she was the one who refused to pick up his calls. Even then, Dylan had asked her to lend him some money and he would return it to her once he used it to establish himself or make a profit, but Rosie refused, and in her mind then, she even cursed Dylan, saying, "How can I be the one sponsoring my man? Doesn't he see his mates taking care of their women? Stupid man." Rosie cried the day that she visited Dylan's office, and Dylan finally accepted her back. She gave him her new home address, as she was no longer living in her parents' house, and she told him that she was still single. Rosie had a boyfriend named Frederick Joseph, but Frederick wasn't rich. Now that Rosie had seen Dylan still loved her, she wanted to scam Dylan out of his wealth and use the money to establish Frederick Joseph instead, as Rosie hated Dylan for becoming wealthy and not remembering to marry her first, instead of Jessica whom he had gotten married to. Rosie made sure to help Dylan prepare the divorce papers, as she wanted to have Dylan all to herself so that it would be easy for her to scam him, and no one would know that she was to blame when she finally broke up with Dylan again. "How about the divorce papers that I gave to you last night, Dylan? Have you given them to your wife at home to sign, I mean Jessica Albert, to sign the divorce papers and leave your house?" Rosie asked Dylan, and she heard him say, "I have given her the divorce papers, but Jessica is not feeling too fine now, as she's unwell this morning. So she will need some time to go through the divorce papers before she can sign them. And how come you didn't include that she would be taking 50% shares of my company revenue and taking care of our kids too? Or didn't you know that I have two kids?" Dylan asked, and Rosie pretended not to know. She replied, "I don't know, Dy, but isn't her family billionaires? So what does she need your money for again?" Dylan was silent at first, and after a while, he replied, "No, Rosie. Jessica cannot go empty-handed like that, as she suffered to help me build this company, and her parents won't take it lightly with me if I just divorce her without properly sharing all that we have." "So what do you want to do now?" Rosie asked as she tried not to sound too desperate or annoyed over the phone. Dylan replied, "I will prepare new divorce papers later and contact my lawyer now to get it ready, so that Jessica can sign it, as Jessica doesn't want to divorce me either." "She has to, Dylan. I'm supposed to be your wife and not her, so let her go back to her parents' home," Rosie spat. "Hmm," Dylan hummed. "It's okay. You have nothing to worry about." Rosie finally pretended to be calm, and she said, "Dylan, you know that I love you very much. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you all those years. Life hasn't been easy for me too living abroad. During that period when you called me and asked me to help you, things got worse for me too as my dad's company collapsed and was bought. I was managing too abroad." "It's okay, Rosie. I know all that, as I saw it in the news too. Not to worry, I will come over to your house today after I close from work, so be expecting me," Dylan said and Rosie giggled. "Okay sweetheart, I will be expecting you. And what do you want me to prepare for you?" Rosie asked. "You can cook now?" Dylan asked in surprise. "Yeah, I learned how to cook abroad after things became tough, as purchasing already made food was expensive and too small to fill me up," Rosie said. "Okay, anything that you have the energy to prepare; or not to worry, I will just order our dinners, so you don't get exhausted with cooking. I don't want you to turn lazy in bed, so that you can satisfy me however way that I want you tonight," Dylan said, a sweet smile curving up his face as he thought about making sweet love to Rosie in her house when he finally got there after work. Rosie replied, "Okay babe, the bill is on you, and I will be expecting you. Bye and kisses," Rosie blew kisses to Dylan over the phone. Dylan responded back too by sending many kisses to her over the phone before the call finally ended.
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