Everything ok?

1322 Words

Dr Andrews’s head yanked up to watch the monitor, as he pressed a button next to Aiden’s bed. After a few seconds, a few nurses came barging in, one of them holding on to a syringe and injecting it into Aiden’s IV bag. “What is happening?” Dr Andrews looked up to face the Alpha who had asked the question. “Something in this room has Aiden feeling excited. Maybe he heard your voices. Anyway, his body is forcing him to wake up. But even with him being the future Alpha, that is too soon, so we are giving him a sedative, so he can relax and wake up when his body is really ready." My mouth dropped open, as I still wasn’t able to look away from Aiden. I felt eyes burn on me, so I forced myself to look next to me, seeing Aiden’s sister look at me in a weird way. “Nurse, can I ask you what

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