Why didn’t you tell us?

1263 Words

Aiden's P.O.V. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. And as soon as the door opened, it showed my parents and my sister, as they made their way into my room, all looking in shock as they saw Lizzie’s hand in mine. Lizzie had wanted to pull away, and I could tell that her nerves were eating her alive, but there was no need for her to feel this way. At least I was lucky enough with my parents, and the way they treated me and the people I loved. My dad frowned as he looked at my hand, holding Lizzies. “Aiden, you didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.” He asked me, sounding surprised. My sister Ginnie’s mouth dropped open as she looked at Lizzie, while my mother’s eyebrows rose high into her forehead. “She’s not just my girlfriend, dad, she’s my mate, and your future Luna.”

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