Chapter 35

9951 Words

'What?' I blurt out in complete disbelief, half blinking as my brain catches up and half shocked into numbness. He has his eyes locked on me, standing a foot away, suffocating me with his sheer size but I stand my ground and do the only thing I can do. I burst out laughing because he surely isn't being serious, and this has to be the single most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life. Into comical hysterics so intense I instantly bend double as tears fill my eyes and struggle to breathe through snorts. It's not the most ladylike way to laugh at your enemy, but it's genuine and it feels good to do it right in his face. My ribs are aching with the sudden exertion and he just stands stock still, staring at me as though he doesn't understand the joke which only makes it all the funnier

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