Chapter 118

2202 Words

Soon as we get out the door Mico flanks me on one side with Alexi on the other and we are instantly surrounded by more Carrero security. Like a black wall that's impenetrable and offers instant calm to my frazzled brain. Guiding us efficiently and shielding us from all angles. Overkill, but I guess I'm thankful for it. "What about the rest of her outfit?" Alexi asks as we walk briskly out of the building, the first to leave, but I can already hear chairs scraping as others depart, now we have. Some of them eager to walk away now they've found a resolution to this debacle. It's weird how something that hung over us for months is tied up with a bow in one very brief sitting. I can't get my head around the fact the threat is gone, and I no longer need to live under house arrest for any reas

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