Chapter 88

5000 Words

My morning starts out quiet and weirdly calm. Alexi is gone when I wake up, but the little note he left propped on his empty pillow, informs me he is downstairs working in the building today, until his meeting later. The little note I may have held and pondered over for far too long. Tracing the neat script writing and the little out of character kisses at the end. Heart all butterflies and stupid teen girl feelings coursing through my body. Feeling all sorts of goofy and smiley, mood instantly sunshine with something so basic. Mush is becoming a permanent mood for me when it comes to this man. Just the simple act of being considerate and I'm a pathetic puddle of icky goo. He didn't want me to wake up alone and think he had once again abandoned me after a night of curling up and sleepin

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