Chapter 63

4194 Words

'He was old … it was his time. He died knowing you cared, Cam.' he hushes me against my temple, enveloping me in his solid embrace, and I can do nothing but cling to him hopelessly—burying my face against his chest as I cry my heart out—completely broken over such a stupid thing. My arms lacing around his wide torso and I screw my eyes shut to stop the tears flowing free. I can't do anything except sob like a broken child while my body is wracked with a pain bigger than me. Alexi holds me tight and says nothing more, just lets me crumble for the first few minutes before the calm of shock grips me and I start to softly whimper instead; Still held against him, trembling and inhaling his smell, his aftershave, as it gives me a sense of calm. The feel of his clothes and muscles tight against

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