
1895 Words

"Mano, what are you doing?"Kanwal asked, looking at the stairs so she won't fall from Mahnoor's dragging. "We are going to take a selfie."Mohanoor answered excitedly and kept dragging her. "On the rooftop at night? It will be dark." Being alone with Mahnoor at her home is fun but Kanwal would never guess the crazy ideas she has in her mind. That's why Kanwalis always a bit hesitant about doing as Mahnoor says. "Just be quiet and come. It's not dark there, we have lights." "But why do you suddenly want to take a selfie?" "Awain."Mahnoor replied and Kanwal sighed, avoiding of asking more questions. Once they got on the roof, Mahnoor took out her mobile phone and took more than a single selfie. "Ary...!" Mahnoor shrieked, making Kanwal jump in surprise. "Yar, wait here. I think I left

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