Chapter 4

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Gloria helped her put on a blue dress with a few touches of white lace, she brought out her blue eyes and her hairstyle released upwards showed her pretty face with fine features. Her luscious bright red lips deserved attention. Lady Gloria arrived in time, Marilou was putting on white high heels right up to her size. She raised her head in the direction of Lady Gloria's steps, who was taken by surprise. Lady Gloria approached her almost in fear, her hand outstretched. Marilou stood up in front of her with a worried look full of questions. Lady Gloria: How is this possible? Gloria: So what? Lady Gloria without paying attention to him stopped in front of Marilou and looked into his. Dame gloria: you look exactly like her, how is this possible? Marilou: Heuuu what are you talking about? (stepping back, falling back in his chair) Dame gloria: You have exactly her face, her eyes, her innocent gaze, her sweetness and her innocence. Where are you from ? Marilou: Heuuu from medieval, I come from Medieval Lady Gloria: Never heard of Marilou: Yes, it's a small village at the end of the border... it's not known to many people. You look really weird, are you okay? Are you sure? lady gloria sat up Gloria: What's going on? Why all these questions ? You know her ? Lady Gloria: No, I don't think so, but her face is familiar to me. I swear I know her, she looks exactly like someone I once's intriguing Marilou: Well in my village, everyone says that I look exactly like my mother, you may know her, her name is Amélia, well, her name was, even if I would be very surprised if you have known Lady Gloria: Amelia? Amelia Rodolf? Is that your mother? Marilou: Yes yes (with excitement) So you know her, oh what a joy, in my village, no one knows her well enough. According to my adoptive mother Charlotte, my mother came from another village which was foreign to them so no one could tell me about her, you understand? This makes me really sad so if you know anything please tell me everything, I would appreciate it Lady Gloria: Very interesting Marilou: Could you perhaps help me? Talking to me about my mother? Won't you tell me about her? I would be very grateful to you. Lady Gloria: Hmm everything in its time, the most important thing now is to meet the King's son, after all, that's what you're here for, isn't it? Marilou: I thought I had to rest until tomorrow morning? That's what the King suggested I believe. Gloria: I thought you didn't want to stay in this palace any longer. Marilou: Yes I know but I'm so tired Gloria: You should be happy to finish your work quickly and leave. Lady Gloria: Shut up, you have nothing else to do but slander, tell me? Gloria: Excuse me. Dame gloria: It doesn't matter, it's not the king who decides but the queen and if you want to go back as soon as possible, you better do what you came from and leave while you still can young girl. Marilou: I don't understand anything anymore Gloria: You don't need to understand, just do what you're told. And hurry, the queen hates waiting for her guests. Dame gloria turned on her heels leaving Marilou and Gloria perplexed. The two young ladies look at each other for a moment then Marilou looked down absentmindedly. Gloria: Who is it? Marilou: Nothing, I thought I could rest but I guess not Gloria: I know but you have to understand the King, he's been waiting for this day for so long, he must be impatient right now. Marilou: What do you mean by he's been waiting for this for so long? There were other healers before me? Gloria: Yes, a lot Marilou: And they didn't succeed in treating the prince? Gloria: Unfortunately not. Marilou: And where are they now? I had never met anyone like me, I thought I was the only one Gloria: Well there are more than you can imagine but for now, let's go, we'll talk about that later if you don't mind. Marilou: But... Gloria preceded her and waved her hand to follow. Gloria: Come on quickly, we're going to be late. Marilou followed her Gloria: You are really very beautiful, take care of yourself Marilou: Thank you, but pay attention to what? Gloria: Hum such a beauty could attract a lot of lust but also a lot of jealous eyes especially in this palace. Marilou: You're scaring me there... is it that scary? Gloria: Forget what I just said, here we are finally there Marilou: It's so beautiful and so big that my whole village could settle there (smiling) Gloria: Good luck, my path ends here Marilou: Will we meet again? Gloria: I'm not promising you anything but I'll try Marilou: Thank you. Marilou continued towards the king and queen installed at the back of this large room; she glanced briefly at the sideboard. Fried chickens; turkey, and lots of meat, braised fish and so many other foods she didn't know existed were laid out on the table making for a very seductive sight. She stopped in front of the King and bowed briefly, whispering "Majesty" The King simply nodded. Marilou did the same thing in front of the queen, murmuring "majesty". The queen considered her for a moment before deigning to say a word. Queen: Well, looks like a princess isn't my king? King: Indeed. The Queen: How beautiful isn't it? Too bad you're not a real princess; I could have married you to my son but alas you are only a vulgar peasant, what a waste. Marilou sat up, her face red with anger, but she refrained from answering. The king, feeling unwell, got up and invited them to dinner. Marilou remained in the background until the king and queen had taken their places, a valet pulled out a chair for her in front of the queen. She hesitated for a moment before finally taking her seat nervous and embarrassed, she felt intimidated by this disconcerting-looking woman and her menacing black eyes. King: Serve us! The same Valet came forward and served the King then the Queen and finally Marilou. The king held out a golden cup and the valet hastened to fill it with a red liquid which he drank brazenly and handed it again to the valet who immediately filled it. King: Excuse our dear impatience, my queen here is very attached to her son, you see, you are a new hope for us. Clémence is a bit pessimistic excuse her mood. The Queen: I'm not pessimistic, I just stopped believing it, it's still the same disappointment so why will it change today. Marilou: I understand you but I will do my best to get it back on its feet, you can count on me. The Queen: You seem really young to pretend to succeed where others have failed. King: Clemence, let's give him a chance, we have nothing to lose after all. The Queen: Bon appetit, I'm not hungry anymore Clémence got up and left the table, leaving the king and Marilou perplexed.
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