3997 Words

CHAPTER 3: SARAH –––––––– When Sarah arrived at the hotel Saturday night, the room was empty. A note waited for her, taped to the couch. Your costume is in the bedroom. Put it on. All of it. And wait for me. Write your safeword on the back of this paper and leave it on the couch. Make sure I can read your writing. Nick Sarah scribbled her safeword down and went into the bedroom. Excitement raced through her with a hint of fear. She’d never done anything like this before and she was nervous. She trusted him, but she was going to be at his mercy. Tonight, she was his slave—a young girl, little to no experience who was sold to him. Her panties were already wet and she felt empty and aching for him. She’d had no idea she’d be into this submissive s**t. The bed was made, as u

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