Chapter 5

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After the strangely active night on my first ever stay here, I fell asleep as soon as my body hit the bed. The tension from last night still lingered on my skin as I chose what my clothing for the day would be. I was hesitant between formal and slightly more casual, but considering that I couldn’t go to work with a famous Billionaire looking like a complete snob, I chose a more elegant attire. I dressed and went for the bathroom to work on making my puffy face look a bit more appealing on this particular morning. It was going to be a bumpy ride considering yesterday’s outcomes. I applied mascara and lip gloss, making sure that nothing was smeared in the process, adding a more natural look to my clothing choice. My work should start at nine and now I only had a quarter of time left to spend freely. I chose to explore around and find the room in which I am supposed to meet up with my boss. The house appears like a maze to me, a labyrinth without an end which I somehow have to figure out. I would bet that if Eva and Sebastian hadn’t been here to show me where to go yesterday, I would have gotten lost and probably ended up in some forbidden corner of the house. I go down the stairs and turn right. Eva said that I am supposed to have breakfast together with them, simply to get to know the man that is to be in my care. Great. The thought of that made me shiver as I couldn't quite put it into words, but that man's gaze makes me grow hot million times over. It was scorching and something I had never in my life felt. When that man, who followed me from the station, looked at me, I felt uncomfortable. Almost... disgusted. But even though Elijah’s gray eyes were far more terrifying than the man’s, I somehow didn’t feel as threatened. There was just something about him that made my skin prickle in warning and insides churn in nervousness. I reached a door that I had thought to be the said dining room and I entered it, turning the knob carefully as if I was disturbing someone. I blinked a few times finding the room empty with a set table for breakfast. I was the first to come and so, to kill time, I examined the room. It was as big as the rest of them and very beautiful, just like the rest of this brilliant home. Pictures hung on every wall, making the room look quite peculiar and of a characteristic design. My time of admiration was short-lived as the door swung open, a strong hand holding the edge of it. The angered, deep voice boomed from the other side and I could almost feel the fear from the person they were yelling at. "I said, change the schedule. Don't disobey me. You know what will happen. Now leave." I was already staring at the door which blocked my view of the person that was yelling, feeling the chill running down my spine as I recognized the owner of the melodic, deep voice. The man entered the room fully, slamming the door behind him and fixing his tie as he walked to the table. Oh gosh... He looked even taller than last night, more powerful. I took his appearance in, watching from the small corner of the room which he still hadn’t gazed upon. He wore a suit that fitted him perfectly, hugging his every masculinity to the point that you could see everything rippling through the material. His hair was combed back giving his features a sharper, fiercer look. My lips slowly parted as I followed his movements to the table. His head suddenly snapped in my direction, the shock from the eye contact running through my veins. His eyes shamelessly raked over my body, a soft sound of approval rumbling through his chest. When his eyes met mine again, I swallowed almost thickly at the intensity of his gaze. "Anna." He greeted with a curt nod, hands going into his pockets as his stature stayed rigid. "Good morning." I cleared my throat, trying to push down the nervous bile that pushed up my throat. "Good morning, Mr. Shackler." He frowned at me, anger flashing in his eyes and across his features. I almost took a step back, not knowing what I did wrong. "So we're on Mr. now?" He said, his jaw clenching. "I thought you liked my name." I was genuinely surprised at his words, the reason behind his anger being that, that I had addressed him differently than yesterday. I was at loss for words, only stuttering out a couple that were my only save at the given moment. "Y-Yes, I do." I deduced weakly, my subconsciousness scoffing at my weakness and cowardly reply. "Then call me by it." The command was almost ridiculous and funny, but the seriousness on his face could not be ignored, so I simply nodded my head. "Okay." My mistake was that which I didn’t know how to coordinate my replies to him. When he perked an eyebrow, I again thought that I had done something wrong before realization struck me and I almost let a sheepish smile reside on my lips. "Elijah." I once again muttered back in a quiet voice that somehow managed to reach his ears. His expression softened, one more curt nod leaving him as he settled down at the head of the table "Better." He sat as rigidly as he stood, back straightened and shoulders held broad for all to see. He gestured with his head on the chair next to him, eyes never leaving mine. "Sit." And so I did. I was perplexed with the thought of sitting so close to him, but he spoke no more and I slowly began to relax in his presence. Eva entered through another door that were right across from the previous ones, with two more maids following closely behind her. They were young, at least about my age, wearing the same uniform as their head maid. Even though they were this house’s staff, the girls held themselves straight and strong. They placed the trays of food in front of us, and stood back after finishing letting Eva take charge. "Your father won't make it for the breakfast. He said he was busy, sir." Eva said in a low, careful voice, eyes looking everywhere but at the man she answered to. I guess she was still wary after the incident that happened last night. The only thing I was aware of was the messy room and the blood on Elijah’s shirt. I didn’t even get to ponder on the thought to ask myself whether it was his or someone else’s. What did happen last night? That question ate me out all morning and I simply felt that terrible urge to ask questions like a little, curious kid. My train of thought stopped as I felt someone's eyes boring through my skull. It made me uncomfortable and I turned my head towards the suspected culprit. One of the maids was staring at me with jealousy swarming in her eyes, and another one with evident hatred. What the hell? My eyes narrowed and they looked away as if they were caught stealing, which once again unpleasantly made me remember the man from the train. As soon as their eyes landed on something, or rather someone, they blushed deeply and bowed their heads as if in shame. Seriously? I caught on really fast which almost made me sigh at how clichéd this situation felt. And just as I was right about that fact, I also knew that Elijah gave them absolutely no attention. How cute. I suppressed a laugh that threatened to bubble up from within my belly. "You can leave." Elijah said through his teeth, obviously not pleased with the fact that his father had left him hanging. Eva glanced at me, probably unsure if she should leave me alone with the man that just the night before had made a complete mess from his room and possibly hurt himself or someone. "I said leave." This time, he said more sternly and his cold eyes made it to the woman’s form. Eva and the maids bowed, and one of them gave the last look of jealousy before closing the door behind them. I let out a soft sigh, feeling strangely relieved to be rid of the hated side looks. "Eat." I turned my head towards him and my eyebrow flew up through the ceiling. Does he have the need to order me or something? I wanted to ask, but kept my mouth sealed. The consequences that question bared probably weren’t pleasant. We ate in silence, but I could feel his gaze stray from its original objective and onto my form. He would steal glances as if checking that I was actually eating. Or doing what I was told. I need to know how this will work. Alexander said that I will be like his caretaker and similar to his personal secretary, but his explanation also made no sense to me. Should I schedule his meetings and stuff? The part about taking care of him I understand, but I had very little knowledge on the second part of my job. "I have a meeting at 10. You're coming with me of course. I will need coffee and my medicine. I hope my father explained that." His statement answered to all my questions. Just as Mr. Shackler said, I wasn't going to be his babysitter, but more like his personal maid that would take care of his needs. "You will be there when I need you. Don't disobey me and don't be late." A sarcastic thought popped into my mind, but I held back and answered the man as calmly as I could muster. "Yes, sir." I replied, completely forgetting about our previous issue. When his eyes snapped to mine I jerked back slightly as if startled at the sudden change in his mood. "What did I say about my name? Call me by my name!" He raised his voice just a not higher and I almost covered away from his angry eyes. "I'm sorry, I just thought-" He cut me off, arms coming across his chest. "You thought what?" I mentally patted myself on the back for being so good at screwing things up on my first day of work. Elijah wasn’t going to be an easy task to solve and my carelessness wasn’t making anything better. "I thought you are my boss. It's only that of respect that I call you sir." It's only that I'm scared of you throwing a fit and hurting me. Once again, my subcosciousness made its appearance, voicing my thoughts in my head. The frown that once again adorned his beautiful features made me regret my reckless words. "Call me Elijah. You said you like it. So call me like that." I nodded as if I was in a slight trance, my lips moving as I replied without any awareness. "I understand, Elijah." He nodded again, a pleased look in his eyes as he stood to his full height with me closely following. "Let's go. I like to be on time." "Of course." The small smile made it to my lips without me noticing. In a matter of minutes we were out and in the car, speeding down the road that was full of traffic. I made a mental note to pay attention to his every word so that no more mistakes come along the way. Hours later I sat calmly in his office, legs crossed and my head resting on the back of the couch. He was currently in a meeting even though it was late in the evening. During this restless day, I got to see him in loads of different lights. He was a hardworking CEO, very diligent and got straight to the point. But he was also very demanding. From the simplest things, to things that his secretary should be doing, I was running around all day following his instructions. His company was big, and amazing. He achieved so much, and he was incredibly smart to top it all off. I sat at one of his meetings. His replies were sharp, short but clever. I could see the admiration in his employee’s eyes, but I could also see the admirable fear that resided in there. They looked up to him, saw him as a role model, but they also feared him which pushed them to do their best even more. The door to his office swung open breaking my chain of thoughts. I hadn’t even caught his movement towards the couch on which I sat on, let alone him offering his hand to me. "Let's go." My hand slipped into his without hesitation, but our eyes simply couldn’t look away from one another. As I sat up, it’s as if my head lightly spun and I lost my balance completely. My body collided with his, my smaller hands pushing against his chest gently as one of his slid around the small of my waist. The evident hitch in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by me, and with flushed cheeks and my body temperature rising, I looked up, feeling my breath getting caught in my throat. I could feel his hot breath fanning my cheek as his steel, gray eyes glazed over my form as if searching for answers that neither of us knew. I tried to push him away very gently, but his grip was strong and he held me very closely to his firm chest. It was as if my world stopped completely when my eyes met with his again, a wool of emotion swarming in his. Something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. He was so beautiful, so gorgeous even more so up close like this. I was caught in his thread and there was no escape. Or so it seemed to me. A loud ring broke us out of our daze and shocked by our own actions, we pulled apart quickly. He answered his phone, his face stoic and voice as cold and emotionless as ever when he spoke to his subordinates. He tugged at my hand that he was still holding, giving me a sign to follow him. We went to the elevator, which we boarded once his phone call was finished. The elevator went down and there was strange tension between us as the vibes grew stronger. My breathing grew ragged at the tense atmosphere in which it was really hard to breathe. The moment I heard ping, that indicated we were at the bottom of the building, I scrambled out and rushed towards the exit. Cold air hit my face when I exited the building and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. What the hell just happened?
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