12| The shower

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At some point around midday, they decided that they should have a shower. Bianca giggled- actually giggled- as they shifted spots in the small shower, needing to take turns who was under the water more. He'd insisted on washing her. The soaping up got her very hot and heavy. "Maybe we should get back to my room." Bianca was too far gone. She gripped him, using a portion of her real strength to push him against the tiled wall. "I can't wait." He grinned at her eagerness, switching places with her, her strength now pulling him toward her. She lifted her leg, Beau instinctively grasping it and nestling himself into her. She watched his face as he entered her, a soft look of adoration came across him every time. His hands move to caress her- moving to elicit the most pleasure from her. Cupping her face, he languidly kissed her, drawing in and out of her slowly. It was too gentle and sweet and was driving her mad. "Harder," she gasped around his tongue. He obliged immediately, both hands grasping her hips, his breaths becoming moans. She loved how vocal he was, it spurred her and she could tell he loved to hear it from her. He buried his face in her neck. She could feel his mouth opening against her flesh- his teeth scraping her skin and gently bit and sucked there. There was something about the act that sent her wild- here a vampire being necked by a human. She cried out as the tension built. As Beaus' movements sped up, his mouth drawing harder on her. She stared up at the ceiling as her fangs popped. She clenched her jaw as she came, frightened she'd bite him if she let her face anywhere near his flesh. She willed her fangs to recede. His mouth found hers again as they both came down. Silently, Beau turned the shower off and led her out into the wider bathroom. She watched him intently as he dried her off. He wasn't looking into her face and she wanted to know what he was thinking so badly. He wrapped a towel around her and then himself. "Go back to our room." He patted her behind and sent her on her way. "I'll scrounge up some food." "Nothing for me," she called over her shoulder. "You sure?" She could hear him rifling through the fridge. "I don't usually eat lunch." She wandered around his bedroom. He kept it neat. She looked at herself in the mirror, briefly checking out the hickey he'd given her. She was going to have to wear a high neck for a day or so but she loved seeing it on her. She would love to parade it, show her beautiful mate off… like she would have if he could mark her. She hadn't worked out exactly what she was going to do yet with him and her world, she only knew she wasn't letting him go now. He was hers. She completed the loop around his room, ending at his desk. It had an old beaten up laptop on it and a stack of textbooks. She trailed her finger over the items, a sketch book catching her eye. She flipped it open, pulling the chair out to sit as the skillful images captivated her. The sketches were amazing. Some just with pencil, others with watercolor and charcoal. Anything from a landscape of a pond in the middle of a park- a playground in the background, to sketches of his family, his housemates. She hit a point where there were darker images. Faces contorted in anguish. Frowning, she flicked past them, catching a glimpse of an image that she went back to. It was unmistakably a sketch of her. There were a few things off, her mouth not quite so wide and her nose not as narrow, but amazing to be drawn from memory. She lingered on the sketch. Humans weren't supposed to feel the matebond- could that be a fallacy? His feeling of connection to her was obvious. He hadn't been satisfied with a one night stand and actively looked for her- not willing to let her go. Was that just the type of person he was? She came across the watercolour of the fox. His sister had done an amazing job to stay true to his vision but adapting to the best way for it to sit and stand out on his skin. She heard a knock at the front door and talking shortly after. She felt her spine stiffen at the voice of the visitor. ~*~ "Jennifer?" Beau asked, surprised. He'd opened the door just in his towel, assuming Toby or David had just forgotten their keys. Jennifer looked shocked at seeing him half naked and became a little flustered. "Beau. I wanted to check if you were okay. I was worried when you didn't show up for work today." Beau felt his stomach drop. "Oh s**t… I completely forgot." He ran his hand through his still wet hair. "f**k. Was Nancy pissed?" Jennifer nodded. "I lied and said you ended up calling in sick, but I was worried- I tried calling you." Her gaze unabashedly roamed his body. Beau shook his head in frustration at himself. "I haven't looked at my phone all day." "But you're okay?" "Yes. I just forgot and…" he really didn't know what to say. "I'm glad you're okay." "Thanks for checking in with me, but yeah. I'm fine, just dumb." He laughed deprecatingly. "Well… if you're okay, maybe I could come in?" Her voice had become flirty and he could see the heat in her eyes as she took a step towards him. "Uh… Jennifer, we should ta-" He stopped talking when he saw Jennifer's eyes widen at a spot behind him. He looked back and saw Bianca walk up behind him. She had slipped his band T-shirt back on, her hair still wet. "Oh." Jennifer exclaimed, blushing. "Right." He looked back at his old crush. "I'm really sorry-" She put her hands up. "No need. It's all good. I'll just be going. I'm glad you are okay." She spun around and fled but he saw the tears in her eyes. He felt like a complete piece of s**t. He turned, shutting the door as he did. Bianca didn't look angry, but there was something about the move that felt deliberate to him. Like she was staking a claim. He couldn't say he didn't like it. "Sorry, I really messed up," he mumbled. Taking his hand, Bianca led him back to the kitchen. "Come. You need to eat." He finished making himself a sandwich, not sure what to say. Bianca didn't seem upset, but he was. He wasn't happy that he'd led Jennifer on. And he was even more unhappy that Bianca had to have been in the position she was. She seemed to sense his unease. She indicated for him to take a seat on a stool. "You liked her didn't you?" Beau nodded. There was no point in lying. "Yeah. She had a boyfriend though, so nothing could happen, but they recently broke up so we went on a date." He knew she obviously knew about that somehow considering her comment early in the morning. "I don't know why I even did it. I only wanted you…" She indicated he should eat. "It doesn't bother me," she assured him. "We are only now together." He chewed slowly, wedging the food to the side of his mouth with a smile, "and we are together?" She smiled brilliantly. "Yes." He dropped his sandwich as he hastily swallowed- pulling her to him and kissing her. She made a squeal at his foody kiss, which he laughed at. She pushed him away playfully, taking a moment to wipe some mayonnaise from the corner of his mouth. "I can't wait to get to know you more," he said. His face was lit up. He grabbed his sandwich and ate with gusto. Her smile faltered a little bit at that. "Yeah." "I do have a question- well actually I have many-" "Ask whatever you want, but," she added, "some things will have to wait." He nodded in understanding. This was new for them and there was no rush. He was going to marry this girl. "How old are you?" "How old do I look?" He shrugged, taking another bite. "Young, like my age, but if you're some big wig business woman, I assume you're older than you look." She shook her head, right that was what he thought she was. "I'm almost nineteen. I grew up fast." He was surprised. "You're younger than me? How did you get involved with an entrepreneur like Corden Boucher… wait, you said your last name was Larsen-Boucher?" She pursed her lips. "We are related by marriage- my mother married his brother after my father died." "I'm sorry." Beau gave her hand a sympathetic squeeze. "How old..?" "I was eleven when my father died. We weren't… close." Bianca seemed to choose her words carefully. "I'm still sorry you had to go through that." "I'm sorry for you too." Beau was thoughtful. "So, he's your step uncle? Do you like working with him?" She shook her head. "Not really." "He's…" Bianca laughed at the expression on his face. "Go on. We're not friends." "He seems like a real d**k. And also… off. Like- a predator." Bianca nodded. "He is both those things. But enough about him. You answer a question for me." "Anything," he said honestly. "Why do you want to be a social worker?" Wow, he thought, that was straight to the point and again showed she knew things about him and he couldn't think how. He didn't do social media. Maybe she saw his textbooks. "I was in foster care after my parents died. It was horrible. Then when I got into some trouble, being in foster care was used against me like I was automatically a criminal." He stopped and took a deep breath, feeling his anger rising. "I want to help those that no one wants to help. I don't know how far I will get to enact real changes, but I will do whatever I can to help as many kids as I can." Bianca was quiet. She had never thought of the well being of anyone other than herself and those she considered her people. Not even others in her world, who like her, had to fight to survive. "That's very noble." He looked a little bashful. Her heart clenched at his softness. He shrugged. "I just want to make sure I can help others to not go through what I did or worse." They settled into a comfortable silence. She watched him as he finished his sandwich. She liked how he ate, taking big bites and chewing with his mouth closed. Anytime he had spoken with food in his mouth he'd tried to hide it. She thought it was cute. She could eat and drink if she needed for cover, but it had been a long time and the texture and sensation of swallowing food was very alien to her. "How long can you stay here?" He asked her suddenly. "I will need to go before this evening- but I'll be back on Wednesday," she added quickly. Seeing his concern. She didn't want to leave him. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I need to get back to Europe," she gave the vague answer guiltily. She didn't want to omit anything to him, but it was better not to tell him too much right now. "Can I come with you?" She was surprised by his suggestion. She thought for a second about what that would be like. How she could make that work without letting anyone know about him. Even her crew, she wasn't sure how they would react to this. She would have always said they were completely loyal to each other, but this was beyond anything any of them could have predicted. And if she was honest, she was putting them in as much danger as herself and Beau. "Not this time." She hopped off her stool and pulled him with her. He nodded in understanding but she could tell he wasn't happy she would be away from him. He wrapped his arms around her as they walked back into his room, snuggling behind her and causing their walking to become a shuffle. "Can you do something for me?" She asked, as she turned and slung her hands around his neck. "Anything." Again, it was not an empty promise. She looked him up into his eyes. "Don't go anywhere near Cordon again." He nodded, concerned. "He really is a bad guy, isn't he?" She just nodded her head. "Now, I've got a good three hours before I have to get going…" He grinned and pulled her up, so her feet didn't touch the floor anymore, and walked them back to their bed. ~*~ He couldn't stop kissing her. She was pressed between him and the door of her car. It being time for her to head out, he had not accepted her waiving off his request to walk her to her car. She had her catsuit on, with the arms were tied around her waist and she was wearing the band shirt over it. "You'll message me when you can?" He asked between kisses. She gave an affirmative noise into his mouth. He couldn't believe the time they had had together, and not just the s*x which had been mind blowing, they had talked about their lives with each other. She had definitely been holding some information back, but he hadn't held it against her. He wasn't ready to share all of his traumas with her either. She had told him a sanitised version of her upbringing in a wealthy family where she was shipped off to boarding school and not seen her family for years- her father dying during that time and her mother remarrying very soon after. It had sounded painful, but she mentioned she had found her friends, and they had become a family to one another. Beau told her only vague comments of his time during foster care, only hinting at the physical and emotional abuse he had suffered and the s****l abuse he had known was happening to others. He focused more on his parents before they died and when he was able to live with his sister again. He felt like he'd known her his whole life. He was willing to wait for her to open up to him more, feeling already so many of her walls coming down. He watched her drive away before going back inside. He could wait a couple of days to see her, he told himself. ~*~
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