Chapter 2.

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"You both are late gentlemen..." that's the first thing the professor said while throwing daggers through his eyes towards us. We can claim we are fucked... royally.. just by looking at the professor's expression. Great.... that' just so great..ugh. What a first impression I made in my very new school. " So are you both coming inside or the two of you want a grand welcome?" .. The professor said , a bit sarcastically motioning for us to move inside and stop wasting his precious time. That much perceived from his looks. hah... if only the looks could kill... I bet I would be six feet under. I mean what the hell is this big guy's problem . It's not like we broke some mighty law of his kingdom, we are just a darn bit late for f***s sake. Don't get me wrong but is it just my imagination that every maths professor is a bit psycho. Because trust me ... , I have met some before that were a real piece of work that I can personally conclude them as a real time psycho . And seriously I can't blame them , they get so emmersed in mathematics that they start loosing their mind. Let's just hope my new professor is not like them. "We are coming..." we both said in unison as we got inside trying to find a seat in the crowd of people and I groaned ... ugh... there are so many people here.. It's not like I hate crowded places or I have a phobia of some kind. No. It's just that , I'm more of a secluded person than that of a party type. I sighed with releif as I found a seat in the corner of the back row. Steve sat beside me, taking his notebook out for copying notes from his backpack. He turned towards me and gave me a look over. I knew what he saw. My face is like an open book... She always used to say that. My best friend Summer. Whenever I asked her what that even meant , she would just shrug it under the carpet. But once , when I pestered her for like Two hours straight...she answered. She said my face was very easy to read. Everything I felt showed clearly on my face. After that time I tried harder to mask my emotions. Well.... try here is the key word , because I don't think I'm doing a good enough job. Steve smiled at me and started randomly telling me things about himself like what he likes and hates yo eat , his favourite colour is blue and he loves baseball. I knew what he was doing and I am really really grateful to him for that.It somewhat eased my tension until ...... "Okay class let's start from where we left but before that........ We have a new student in class..Why don't you come here and introduce yourself Mr. Miles....? " He said while staring intently towards me. To say that his stare unnerved me would be an understatement. It's like he is watching my every move like a hawk.One wrong step and I will be done for good. I gulped loudly as I started to make my way through rows and rows of hyper teenagers in the lecture hall towards the teacher, in front of everyone. I don't know if I had mentioned it earlier or not that I don't like being in a crowded area or a place filled with lots of unknown faces but what I despise the most is....being in the centre of attention. I have this strong urge to turn around and run as fast as my legs could take and hide from everyone's eyes. But that even was out of option as my f*****g legs won't stop shaking like a damn leaf from just a little wind . So when the professor asked me to come forward and introduce myself is front of everyone I just blanked out. Plain and simple. I was standing in front of everyone with my trembling legs which have stopped hearing my command of staying still even for a second. It's as if the universe itself was planning this damn situation so I can embarrass myself humbly in front of everyone who are here to witness my pshysic meltdown, if that even is a thing. I stood there for what felt like an hour but in reality was just some minutes when I heard someone clear his throat as to catch my attention and it was no other than the professor himself. ' Pull yourself are in a freaking high school for god's sake and not some sixth grader for crying out loud so stop acting like a child and man up ' I scolded my self and encouraged at the same time. " Hello everyone.... I am Jonathan Miles. My friends call me John as in a nick name . They also used to call me Johny or Jo. Jo was my nickname way back from my elementary school which I don't like but have to suck it up. Sometimes they also calls me Miles to make it seem like it means business like when my parents are angry with me or want to talk about some serious shit... or to make it sound like a professional just like how the professor called me earlier. Once they also called.... " But before I could finish I was interrupted by the snickers of some students. Some even looked like they would pass out if they have to hold their laughter for even a second. And it made me realise that I was blabbering way too much and way too loud. ugh...why is it so difficult...... " I think there are way more things to speak about other than your oh so many interesting nick names. Like for instance, somthing about your self , which school you read in before or where you came from. " the professor replied tightly with a sour expression on his face. " I mean why not..., when they are enjoying themselves, right fellas .... " I countered motioning towards the group of students and the class instantly filled with roars of laughter. I swear, the professor's face turned more sour , if that even was possible. I sighed deeply before speaking ..... " Okay.... I am from Prattvile . It's a small town in Albama , in U.S.A. I am new here just to let you know, so please take care of me. " I blurted everything that came into my mouth in one go. I bowed slightly and not even looking toward the professor once , I started to go back . I heard some ofcourses and some other murmers but i didn't paid them any mind and walked straight to my seat . There was an idiotic grin on Steve's face when I approached our seat... " Well that was something..... He wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh as well... What a start of my new journey ....
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