1276 Words
One Sunny’s POV It’s another life to survive and another day to face the world again. This is s*ck! Even though I'm still not wide awake I get up from my bed as I quickly walk towards my bathroom to took a quick bath. I even almost tripped when I stepped on the soap thank I was unable to put back in its place last night, thankfully I was able to balance myself. This is so hilarious! My guts are right, I shouldn’t have texted my friend, Jill, last night because look at me now, I'm literally running out of time. “SUNNY! DON’T YOU HAVE PLAN TO WORK?” Oh come on! Here she goes again. I doubled my time... ah, no, tripled my time. When I thought everything was now settled, I immediately rushed outside my room. However, I almost screamed out of surprise when I saw Aunt Mila standing right in front of my door room with her both hands on her waist and her brow arched. She is staring at me as if I forgot something until she extends her hand at me. Oh money. I secretly took a deep sigh. "I’m going out with my friends later. I need money. I know you have some," she stated in a very rude manner. Money is so hard to earn however she's asking for it as if it's only a snap of finger to earn some. "Anyway, the house expenses are almost due. When will you pay them? Just to inform you again, Sunny, take it seriously. I don’t want to be the talk of the town if they cut off the electricity." She keeps on talking gibberish while all I can do is listen, because I don’t have a choice either. This always happens, and as usual, I never had the chance to reject her. I took off my wallet without saying anything. I know it is better to just stay silent and not to talk back because I know at the end I won’t be able to win against her. She arched her brow at me even more when she saw the money I placed in her palm. "This is not enough, Sunny. Don’t be such a selfish brat. I know you can give more than this. Two thousand? Come on!" She’s always like this every time she asks for money. She wants more, then she should at least save the allowance I gave her or find a job that pays well. I want to tell her that, but then she's still my aunt. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Aunt Mila, we should at least learn to save, and don’t worry about the bills; I’m going to pay them later." I pursed my lips when she eyed me. She turned her back on me without saying anything. I just shrugged my head. I already used to this, but everything feels so new to me every time something like this happens. Aunt Mila is the only one I have. When my parents died when I was sixteen, my aunt Mila raised me and provided me with a place to live. Though she never treated me like one of her relatives, I just accepted the way she treated me. I have high respect for her, and I know what she has been through while raising me too. She wasn’t able to marry the guy she loved because she chose to raise me. That’s why I’m kind of thankful and sorry for her at the same time. Aunt Mila may always be cold to me, but I know that despite her cold treatment, she has a soft heart. I know living my life is so exhausting. I sometimes wish to die and just end everything, to be prank, however I don’t have the guts to end my life. I almost grew up alone but because of aunt Mila I even though she despised my presence I'm somehow grateful because she raised me pretty well. She lost so many opportunities because of me… that’s why I also don’t have any choice but to give everything she wishes to have. When I got inside the restaurant, the employees immediately greeted me. I just smiled at them as I went straight to my office. I’ve been working as a manager for almost a year now, and I kind of like what I’m doing right now. I was resting my head on my swivel chair when I heard a little soft knock at my door as it slowly opened. "Good morning, Miss Sunny. I’m sorry to disturb you this early." I immediately sat up straight when I saw one of the employees. She was smiling at me, but it didn’t reach her eyes. I know where this conversation will go, and I don’t like it. I stared at her, and I know this scene already. She slowly walks towards me. I intently closed my eyes when she placed a paper at my table. Just as I thought! I massage my temple. "Kim, I told you that it’s okay if you take a leave or rest. You don’t need to do this," I said in a calm tone as I smiled faintly. "We already talked about this before, right? In the meantime, we can look for a part-timer, and when you’re ready to work again... you can comeback." I get up from my chair as I walk closer to her. She started to cry. That made my heart break. This is what I hate the most: seeing someone cry. I saw how she works hard just to get this far, which is why I just can’t give her up. "Miss Sunny, I know you are only saying that to comfort me, but I don’t think I have the guts to stay here any longer." I closed my eyes once again. "If I stay in this kind of state, I will only make things harder for all of you." I know what she meant by that. I tapped her shoulder. "Then if this is really what you want, then I will process your resignation letter right away. However, you are still welcome here." I hugged her for a second. She smiled and nodded. I've been in her shoes before... feeling alone even though I have someone around me, feeling blue most of the time even though there’s nothing to be sad about... when you really don’t know how to handle your emotions properly, it will really eat you up. There are things that are so hard to deal with when you are in the midst of depression. It’s so hard. And it will always be hard when you let it eat you. "I know you’ve been through a lot lately and it’s so hard to handle things like that. However, there’s nothing wrong if you want to rest. Just don’t give up and always learn to fight. If you need me, you can always call me, okay?" I smiled at her. She’s too young to feel such pressure in life. However, we can’t do anything about it. We just need to learn to face and fight. "You’re not alone," I added. Being alone is the last thing that I want to feel. I don’t want to be alone... it suffocates me. However, it is also hard for me to open up my feelings and frustration because I feel like what I feel is only shallow and I don't want to be a burden to someone. I’d rather be the one who is always there to listen than be the one that is being comforted. ---
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