Evandrus' words rang through my head. Trying to sentence me to death? I thought Evandrus was supposed to be trying to help. I knew he was a snake, but I didn't realize how slippery he was. There went the small hope we had. "So she is of Lancaster blood, but that doesn't prove that Stefan had plans for her." The dwarf stated. "We have proof of that as well, but we need Rain's memory to be played." Nate stated with confidence. It seemed he had a quick retort to any doubt thrown our way. Nate was doing an amazing job even before having a full year of college under his belt. "Maudie, use a spell to reveal her memories unto us" Stoic ordered the witch. He watched Nate cautiously, as if warning him that this had to work or else. "You see as part elf, Rain, was given the elf test by Star