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Alec positions herself before the group. "Ladies, the audition is broken down into three dance routines. The first is burlesque. If you're inexperienced, don't worry, just perform what you're comfortable with. If you can dance, we can teach you the specifics. The second routine involves pole dancing, and the third is a group dance. I need to see how you manage when your personal space is limited. During the final routine, you're allowed to leave the stage and dance around tables and such." Lesley finds this manageable. She's experienced in burlesque and pole dancing, and she's danced with other women before, so she feels confident. "We want to see how you engage with an audience, which is why there are a few men present. If you find it difficult to audition with a few men watching, you won't be able to handle a packed club. Any questions?" Alec looks at them expectantly. "Yes, for the first and last routine. Is the pole off-limits?" Lesley needs to know. If it's not, she can incorporate it into her performance. "No, if you're dancing and can weave the pole into your routine, even for a single move, go ahead and use it. The routines are designed to show us how you perform without a set choreography. Anything else?" Lesley glances at the other women, rolling her eyes. They should be asking questions. "Yes, the ad didn't clarify the type of attire or if the routines involve stripping. Are we expected to end up in lingerie? Also, the advertisement didn't mention touching. Is it a strict no-touching policy with the men, or can we touch them while dancing?" Alec nods and smiles. "I'm pleased someone asked. I deliberately omitted certain details from the advertisement to see who was well-informed. For most routines, you'll either wear a corset or something similar. Alternatively, you'll have a short outfit on, which you'll strip off until you're in lingerie. As for touching, you can perform a lap dance on a man, but we'd prefer if you didn't caress them with your hands. You can place your hands on them for balance." She smiles at Lesley, seemingly appreciating her inquiries. "Anything else, Lesley?" She looks at Lesley, disregarding the other women. "No, I think I've addressed everything," Lesley responds. "Alright, Em, you're up first." The rest of us step off the stage as the first woman begins her performance, and she's impressive. It's evident that the women here are skilled dancers. The second dancer, however, keeps missing a beat, clearly due to her nerves. Lucy, the third dancer, panics before she even starts and bolts. Now, Lesley stands watching Rachel, knowing she's up next. As the music starts and Rachel begins to dance flawlessly, Lesley observes the men whistling and reaching for her, causing Rachel to freeze. She can dance, but she doesn't know how to handle overly forward men, which is a problem. Lesley watches as Rachel panics, breaks down in tears, and runs off. "Lesley?" Alec looks at her. Lesley nods and steps onto the stage, appreciating that they've chosen the music, ensuring no one could have prepared their routines in advance. As the music starts, she listens to the beat and begins to move slowly. She hears the men whistling but skillfully ignores them without coming off as rude. She drops to her knees near them, her hips rolling. She feels a hand reach for her, and she turns, smiles at him, shakes her finger and tuts, causing him to laugh and withdraw his hand. By the end of the dance, she's smiling broadly. "Scores for that round. Usually, the two lowest scorers leave, but since two have already left, no one will be eliminated. Lesley, 10, Em, 8, Lucy, 3," Alec announces the scores, and Lesley can't help but smile at her top marks. "Remember, the men are the customers. Some will try to touch you, but how you handle it and react is what matters. You can deal with it in various ways, but if you panic, they will laugh, you will miss your next moves, and everything falls apart." She looks at us. "If you're not comfortable with this, I suggest you leave now." Lesley watches as Lucy stands and exits, Alec rolling her eyes. It's clear that many are not prepared. "Alright ladies, time for pole dancing." The rest of the audition goes smoothly, with two women being sent home after the pole dancing round. After the final dance, it's just Lesley and Em left. Lesley watches as Alec discusses things with the others. "Are you new to the area?" Lesley turns to look at Em and nods. "Thought so, didn't think I'd seen you before. If you want to get to know some of the locals, there's a party tonight. Here's the address." She hands Lesley a piece of paper. "You seem like someone who enjoys a good drink and a chance to let loose." She laughs, and Lesley nods in agreement. "Okay, ladies. After discussing everything, including your scores. Lesley, welcome to our family." Alec smiles at her and the other women applaud. "Sorry, Em, but feel free to try again next time." Lesley watches as Em walks off. Alec then formally introduces Lesley to the women, before offering her a drink. "Hey." Lesley turns to see a man, the one who had reached for her leg during her performance. "I'm Rob, I usually work on the floor, looking out for the dancers." So, he's not a customer. "You did a good job playing the part of a customer," she smiles, and he laughs in response. "I suppose being around them every day helps. Welcome to the family. It was clear from the start that you were the right fit for the job, asking all the right questions and such." He grins, and Lesley spends some time chatting with him, waiting to meet the other dancers as they arrive to prepare for their shifts. She starts work tomorrow, and she's excited. This place is a significant improvement over any other club she's worked at before. After expressing her gratitude and bidding everyone goodbye, she leaves, deciding to head to the party Em had mentioned. She needs to get to know some locals, even if she knows she won't be staying long. If her father is anything like her mother, they'll be moving at least a couple more times this year.
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