Sela, Kennedy, and Anita are downstairs waiting on Robert. "Robert, come on, you shouldn't have taken everything out of your suitcase," Anita yells from the foyer. "I'm coming, I was making sure I have everything," Robert said as he is walking downstairs. "Man, come on here, we have a plane to catch," Kennedy said looking at Robert The driver and Boris are loading the luggage in the limo. "So far I like this modeling world," Anita said as they were walking to the limo. Sela laughs as she and Kennedy are sitting in the limo waiting for Anita and Robert to get in. Once they reach the airport, the driver stops and parks beside a white private plane. "This your plane? " Kennedy asks. He is looking at the plane with Sela's name written on it in pink letters. "Yes," she said as wal