894 Words

VOh, she let me know as soon as, round the corner of the house,she loomed again into view. “What in the name of goodness isthe matter—?” She was now flushed and out ofbreath. I said nothing till she camequite near. “With me?” Imust have made a wonderful face. “Do I show it?” “You’re as white as a sheet. You lookawful.” I considered; I could meet on this, without scruple, anyinnocence. My need to respect the bloom of Mrs. Grose’s haddropped, without arustle, from my shoulders, and if I wavered forthe instant it was not with what I kept back. I put out my hand toher and she took it; I held her hard a little, liking to feel herclose to me. There was a kind of support in the shy heave of hersurprise.“You came for me for church, of course, but Ican’t go.” “Has anything happened?” “Yes. You

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