Chapter 4

3071 Words

Chapter 4Ancient Egypt Micha didn’t know what to make of this blond giant. He spoke Egyptian with a heavy accent. When he overheard him talking to Yusuf, Eli spoke formally, almost too formally. No use of slang or shortcuts. He wanted to question Yusuf why he was assigned this surly man who kept his distance. He must be a former slave of Yusuf’s. How else to explain the formality? But Eli wasn’t Amorite or from any other Phoenician peoples even though he suspected Eli spoke Canaanite dialects. Micha sighed. He had a hard task ahead of him: counting the granaries in this vast province Yusuf gave to him. He had to forget his distraction with Eli and focus on his assignment. Micha accepted this job out of duty and loyalty for the man that took him in even though Yusuf often puzzled him.

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