Book 1 - Chapter 60

3158 Words

Jackson "What are we going to do?" Ella asked, her voice laced with panic. I looked around the hospital room we were in, there was one window that was to small for either of us to fit through, and we were a few stories up. Figures. I had to think fast, if the hospital was on fire for as long as I thought it had been, it's a miracle that it hasn't collapsed by now. "Grab those sheets, we need to get them soaking wet." I instructed my mate. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower while she stripped the bed. "Here," Ella said, helping me soak the sheets. I could hear crackling and a few snaps, clearly indicating that the fire was still spreading. "Your clothes too," I said. I was still very naked, but Ella was fully clothed. She hoped in the shower without hesitating, soaking

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