Book 3 - Chapter 25

1520 Words

Kelly I woke up to my phone ringing off the hook, my worst fears coming to mind. Kelsey's name was displayed on my screen. She never called, only ever texted unless it was an emergency. I quickly picked up and held my breath, waiting for the terrible news. "Kels?" I asked. "Mom is being taken to the hospital." She choked out. "Okay, I'm on my way." I said, praying that it was a false alarm. "Okay." She sobbed. "Kelsey, it'll be okay. I'll see you soon." I said before hanging up and immediately looking up flights. I was lucky enough to find a flight that was leaving in just a few hours, non-stop. Even luckier that I was able to simply transfer my flights and only had a small fee to pay for it. Now to break the news to Derek. My father didn't want anyone to know how sick his mat

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