Book 1 - Chapter 57

3059 Words

Edward I ran towards the portal, praying that I could reach her in time. I dove for it, tumbling to the ground having just missed it. "f**k!" I roared, the ground practically shaking. "King Edward! Its King Bruno! He has an army headed our way!" One of our warriors yelled as he ran towards us. "Get the women and children inside!" I barked. Goddess, this can't be happening right now! "Summon the warriors!" I got to my feet and grabbed Xander, who was standing there crying, having just seen his mother taken in his place. I helped everyone inside, doing a quick head count. "Where are Abby and Seth?" I yelled. "I haven't seen them. Abby went to look for Seth over an hour ago." Ella said out of breath, a multitude of pups clinging to her for support. "Do we know how many men King Bru

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