Book 2 - Chapter 56

2563 Words

Valerie I watched from the sidelines as Derek continued to train, this time in hand to hand combat with King Edward and Jeff...Beta Jeff. Still weird to me. They had been going at it for hours now. I was exhausted just watching them. I was told that werewolves have good stamina, but goodness, I totally underestimated how much they actually had. Since no magic was being used, we were using the gym in the eastern kingdom. I like it because, at least now, I can come and go as I please. Though, I always chose to stay. I just liked having the option. The other plus side was that people would come and visit me. "What are you making now?" I asked as Jessica continued to knit. She had been endlessly making baby clothes for her little guy, who, according to her doctor, was now a week overdue,

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