Book 1- Chapter 67

2431 Words

Edward "Nice job today." I said, patting Derek on the back. We were walking to the lake so Derek could clean up after a rather messy altercation. "It doesn't feel like it." He sighed. "He was abusing his power, more than half his pack was comprised of slaves. We gave him a chance to change his ways and he chose not to." "Yeah, well, it doesn't change the fact that his mate and pups were watching." He said with a guilty look on his face. "Our job isn't always easy," I said, trying to reassure him. I knew all too well where Derek was coming from. It was good that he was an empathetic leader, but he would need to reign it in. Otherwise, someone might come along and take advantage of his trust and sympathy. I speak from experience. I was a young king once too. It was only because I ma

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