Book 3 - Chapter 15

1457 Words

Kelly I was only halfway to the security gates leading into our pack when a group of warriors swarmed me. It became a big todo right away. I was escorted by at least thirty warriors to my father's office before anything else. He was sitting at his desk with a scowl on his face. "Leave us." He all but growled. I swallowed hard, repeating my story to myself again before the last person left, shutting the door behind them. "I was angry that Emmet was taking away my pills so I went looking for an alternative. I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone." I blurted out. "Do you have any idea how worried we were? Do you know how much turmoil you have caused not only your family and friends, but also your kingdom?!" He roared. "I know. I am very sorry. It wont happen again." I said, fighting the tears

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