Book 2 - Chapter 3

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Derek "Keep living in denial then." Dean said annoyingly. Goddess my wolf could drive me up a wall sometimes. I stared at the mountain of work piled up in front of me, hating today more and more. I decided to start with the warriors patrol schedule that somehow got massively f****d up. It took the better part of the day to complete but I had finished the schedule for the full month, so I shouldn't have to deal with that again. I would have Matt take over scheduling from now on. I spent the rest of my day working on paperwork pertaining to my company, Anderson Trading Co. "Alpha? You wanted to see me?" Trish knocked at my door. "Come in." I said, my eyes still glued to the paperwork in front of me. "Is everything okay?" She sat down in the chair across from me. "Yes, well no. I need your help. I need an assistant. Someone who can keep track of my schedule and messages and maybe even bring me coffee. Do you think you could hire someone?" I peered up from my papers. "Absolutely!" She breathed a sigh of relief, flipping her blond hair over her shoulder. "Anything else?" She asked. "No, that will be all." I dismissed her. She stood, her petite stature barely making it over my pile of papers as she headed for the door. "Thank you." I added just as she left, I saw her hand waive behind her in acknowledgment. Good. One less thing to worry about. I decided now was as good of a time as any for lunch, or maybe even dinner. I lost track of time again today. I headed into the break room to see what I could scrounge up. The break room was quite large, and was able to hold most if not all of our employees at once. Attached to it was a small kitchen. Nothing too fancy, a refrigerator filled with some questionable forgotten lunches, cupboards filed with mixed-matched tupperware, plates, and coffee mugs, and, of course, a very abused looking microwave and toaster. There was one cabinet that was filled with random left-behind non-perishables and snacks. Maybe I could luck out there today. I grabbed the most edible looking items from the mix and went back to my office to work. Did I ever get Valerie's number last night? I thought to myself on my way back. I pulled out my phone and searched through my contacts, disappointed at the lack of results. No, I should be thinking about her. I need to pick a chosen mate. "We need to find Valerie. She is our mate." Dean pushed. "We don't know anything about her, nor do we have the time to go searching for her. She was a good lay and that's it." I said, putting my foot down. Dean ignored me for the rest of the week. - - - - - - "Trish, I just don't understand what the problem is, this is the third hire in the past two weeks who has flopped. I just need someone to file some papers and grab me a coffee, take a few massages. How hard is that? I'm not that high maintenance, yet they keep quitting! I mean they're humans for crying out loud. I thought this job would be a steal, they could be on their phones for half the day and I wouldn't care! And it's part time!" I huffed. "I apologize, Alpha, I have a few more interviews lined up. I will have someone hired by the end of the week." Trish said, standing in my office. "Someone who actually wants the position please," I said, flipping through our latest financial report. My numbers were off again. "Your dismissed." "Yes Alpha." She nodded and scurried out of the room. Maybe I should just hire another wolf. They worked harder and longer and were far more loyal than any human. But I wanted to move away from the business so I could run my kingdom. I didn't want my people stuck in a stuffy office or loading docs for hours when they could be home. Werewolves weren't meant for this kind of human work. We needed to be able to shift and run, it wasn't exactly easy to do that living in a human city. "Alpha," Jeff said, strolling into my office. "I am heading back to the kingdom tomorrow, are you coming, or do you plan on slowly deteriorating here?" "I should head back....I need a break from staring at all these numbers." I said, dropping the stack of papers in my hand onto the desk. "Are you driving alone or would you like company?" "Alone. I need to clear my head. In fact," I said, looking at my watch, "I think I'll call it a day. I'm running in circles, there is no point in me being here right now." I grabbed my keys and jacket and headed for the parking lot where my truck was parked. I sped down the highway, windows down, music blasting. When I arrived back at the palace, I parked just outside the gates and I immediately let Dean out to run. He needed it badly. I knew the moment I walked in through the front gate, not even the front f*****g door, I was going to be hit with a laundry list of things that needed to be taken care of immediately. Dean took full advantage of our run, sprinting through the uneven terrain, hunting for game, and even going for a quick swim. His dark brown fur made him hard to spot amongst the trees, perfect for dodging our patrollers who would probably try to stop me along the way, having concerns they wished to share with me. I already f*****g knew. But I was only one man, and I could only do so much. My father all but lit the Southern Kingdom on fire before his death. There was very little that was salvageable, and it was only thanks to King Edwards' help that we managed to get up off the ground. Almost a decade later, and I was still trying to clean up his mess. Our population had dwindled down to almost nothing, leaving us open to attacks. Fortunately, those who remained from the Southern kingdom stepped up to help protect and rebuild. Unfortunately, not all of those people were qualified for the positions. I shifted and entered the palace through the back entrance, hoping that I would be able to make it to my office before I was bombarded. I was sadly mistaken. "King Derek, the patrols have a conflict with the schedule." My Gamma, Caleb said. "Again? I just remade it! Have Matt look over it." "Alpha! The construction crew is blocking the delivery door!" My chef, Harper, said. "Then tell them to move or have the deliveries come through the front entrance until they are done." "Your majesty, when might we be having a staff meeting? There are several things that need to be reviewed by our older staff," Matt asked. "Soon" "King Derek?" "What!?" "A letter just came for you from the council," One of my housemaids said, handing me a white envelope with an official stamp on it. I snatched it out of her hand and flew into my office, slamming the door shut behind me. I sat in my chair and glanced over the mail that was stacked up on my desk before reluctantly looking over the letter just given to me by the council. Inside was a list of ten names of prospective Lunas. I recognized a few, the most familiar being Kelly Carson. Princess of the Western Kingdom. I tossed the letter aside and dug into my stack of papers, working through the endless number of issues before me. Something was going to have to give soon. I don't know how much longer I can keep going like this for. It was just work, work, work 24/7. I sometimes wondered why I did it at all. Some things didn't change, even in my father's absence. Sure, I stopped slavery, but that didn't mean packs didn't try to hide it still. I cut ties with drug lords, but drugs still came into the kingdom. I hired more patrollers, but we would still find warriors killed by rogues. I don't know how King Edward and King Carson kept up with it all for as long as they have. Hopefully, one day I will have all my ducks in order like them. One day.
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