Book 3 - Chapter 13

1562 Words

Emmett Buzz Buzz Buzz I stirred awake to the sound of my phone vibrating on my nightstand. Who would call at this ungodly hour? Haphazardly, I reached for it, patting down my nightstand until my hand landed on it. I turned onto my back, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before squinting to see the name on the caller ID. King Carson. That can't be good. "King Carson?" I answered, my eyes screwed shut again. "Dr Barbato, we need you at once. There was an accident with Kelly. She is being taken to our general hospital as we speak." "On my way." I said, already removing the covers and getting out of bed. I got ready in record time, making my way over to the hospital to check on Kelly. I had no idea what happened, but I needed to prepare for anything. I was quickly guided through the hosp

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