Book 1 - Chapter 43

2932 Words

Sierra "I can't believe the turn out, and I really cant believe how much stuff we got for our pup!" I said, getting the changing table organized. We had gotten everything up to the pup's room yesterday after the shower and decided to devote today to getting his room setup. "I am not too surprised, it comes with the territory. But I am very grateful." Edward said from the corner of the room where he was assembling the crib. "Can you believe we are going to be parents soon? I mean even if I go over my due date, Dr. White said he wouldn't let me go past a week, so that in mind, in less than two weeks we will have our pup." I smiled and headed for the closet and started organizing his adorable little clothes. "Its exciting....and intimidating." Edward said, pushing the newly assembled c

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