Book 1 - Chapter 47

2786 Words

Edward "It cant, there are rogues in the garden, f**k, they're everywhere!!" Jackson yelled. "We need you!!" "Ahhhh!" Sierra yelled "I need to go to the hospital!!" Shit. s**t. s**t. "How many are there?" I barked at Jackson, grabbing our clothes from the bathroom. I helped Sierra back into her dress while I settled for just my pants. "Hundreds, Edward! We are out numbered!" I flung the door open, helping Sierra out to the vestibule and into a chair. "Sierra is in labor! I need to get her to the hospital!" "She can't leave, the place is surrounded!" "Edward....Something is wrong." Sierra looked at me and then lifted the hem of her skirt to show me her legs, which had blood dripping down them. "Can you open a portal?" I asked my mate. She tried but her portal was small and

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