The Waters, Dividing the Land-1

2188 Words

The Waters, Dividing the LandHyrn stood beneath the dappled eaves of the wildwood and gazed over the sparkling waters of the great river. His heart thundered in his chest as if he – of all beings – were being hunted. Wounds ran through him that no eye could see. The sun was warm on his back and the welcome smells of woodland and grassland filled his nostrils, yet everything was wrong. Horror had come to his lands, and the world he loved suddenly made no sense at all. The river's far bank was, of course, invisible. The trees on the other side were many leagues distant, too far to glimpse even when mists didn't veil the waters. The river flowed through the land like a curved spine. It was a great artery, its waters the rushing blood of the world, nurturing the creatures that dwelt within i

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