Chapter 9: Fleeing

1027 Words
United we stand, divided we fall. - Aesop Vlad climbs through the open portal and runs his hand over a small rectangular panel. The lights blink a few times. They change from red to green, then the opening closes. 'We must go.' He pulls me to my feet. "I don't feel so good." My legs wobble. Reaching out, I grab his shoulder. 'Can you walk?' He cups my chin. "Yes, I think so." A thin fog clouds my surroundings, and my vision blurs. 'Come on.' He takes hold of my hand. 'It is not far now.' Vlad leads me through a labyrinth of different mazes and tunnels. One section we enter is full of bright blue lights that flicker and strobe, making it harder to see. When I turn into a narrow passage, the lights dim, but the glowing blue hue on the floor does nothing to help clear my head. "Cease momentum.' He holds out a hand, bringing me to a full stop. Chest heaving, I gasp for a satisfying breath, but it remains just out of reach. 'Lie on the bottom of the pod.' The compartment is small but large enough for two. He extends a hand, helping me step into the structure. Once inside, he slides in next to me. The craft closes and lunges forward, sending me crashing into him. "I'm sorry." Inching away from him, I manage to put a respectable distance between his body and mine. "I didn't mean to . . ." The craft shifts again, and I slam into the side of the wall. 'Are you injured?' Drawing me into his arms, he cradles me against his frame. The pod lurches again, but this time, I remain in place - plastered to his warm body. 'Look at me.' "I don't feel right." The craft rolls, and my stomach churns. "My head, it hurts." He's appraising me keenly with his green glowing orbs. Raising a hand, he brushes the tips of his fingers above my upper lip. 'Your nose, it is bleeding. Does that always happen when you push?' "Push." The word sounds strange. 'What do you mean?' 'The man on the ladder, you pushed him.' "I didn't touch him." My temples throb, making it hard to concentrate on his words now swirling around in my thoughts. 'Open your eyes.' His voice resonates with a ringing echo. 'I am not talking about physical contact. You entered his mind and pushed a thought into his head. That is why he released me and let go of the ladder.' "How did I do that?" 'I do not know. That is what I am trying to determine. It takes people years to learn how to impose a thought.' Vlad pushes up on his elbow. He reaches across my body, flipping two levers. 'I take it you have done nothing like that before.' "No." Tears fill my eyes, making my vision blurry. 'I didn't know.' "Shh, it is okay." He places a light kiss upon my forehead. 'Do not cry.' The watercraft jerks to the side then feels like it's spinning. "What was that? Why'd we - wait, who is driving?" Glancing around, I don't see a steering wheel or flight stick. 'Relax, the pod is on autopilot. It often shifts to make adjustments. We share the water with a host of other living creatures that are both big and small, hence the need for adjustments.' "Where is it taking us?" His eyes hold me captive to his alluring pull. 'To the edge of Chase Pond.' He brushes his lips against mine. The contact sends a surge of electricity coursing through my body. "Uhm." Avoiding his gaze, I scoot away from him. "How long does it take to reach the pond?" God, I can't think straight when he's nearby. He tips my head back. 'Not long enough.' A grin stretches across his face. The movement of the pod slows, and the inner shell lights up. "How'd you do that? What activated the lights?" I didn't see him touch anything, well, except for my lips with his mouth. 'Your thoughts run unfiltered, do they not.' Chuckling, he rolls onto his back, then runs a hand over the smooth surface of the pod. A round section of metal flashes and a screen pops up with more odd characters. Vlad keys information into the rectangular control pad next to him. The images overhead disappear, and the top of the pod slides open. "Come, Sarah." He steps out of the vehicle. 'We have to go.' "Go. Go where?" I look at the sky, and a deep-seated cold makes my bones ache with fear. 'A hidden chamber close by. You will be safe there. However, we must hurry.' He draws me to my feet and lifts me out of the open pod. The top closes with a swoosh, and within seconds, it's gone. "This way." He ushers me up the bank, then helps me climb over the locked steel gate. Veering off the road, in search of my chained bike, my heart sinks. It's gone. My eyes water. Memories of Morph crawling on his belly flash through my mind. It seems like a lifetime ago since he was in my arms. Tears spill onto my cheeks. Where is he? Will I ever see him again? Vlad stops and turns around. "Please do not cry," he whispers in my ear, wiping the tears from my face. 'I am sure your pet is fine.' It will be daylight soon. Already, the claws of the first morning light strain for release. My T-shirt offers zero protection during the day, which only serves to compound the gnawing, bubbling fear. Ultraviolet light from the sun's rays will mutate the DNA of my individual cells, leaving my body unable to repair itself. Cupping my face, he brushes a few stray locks of hair behind my ear. "Do not allow fear to rule your thoughts." He unbuttons his blue long-sleeve shirt and drapes it over my head and shoulders. 'Focus on what you can do in the here and now.' "How much further is it?" I slide my arms through the arm holes. 'Not much farther.'
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