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Liam stood on the wooden fence surrounding the arena watching the other competitors ride. He was having some difficulty focusing on the competition. His thoughts were still with the woman he had left back at his trailer. When he had first seen Miss. Micelles he had been struck by her beauty. Her long hair flowing like dark liquid chocolate. Smooth alabaster skin that begged to be touched. Full kissable lips and the most beautiful bright blue eyes he had ever seen. She was petite, very slender, and not very tall. He stood a good foot taller than her. She was very young, if he had to guess he would assume early twenties. He could not believe she was there to see him. It was too good to be true, and he was right. Turned out she was his lousy brother’s wife to be. Dawson always had an eye for beautiful women, and other men’s women, or any woman for that matter. From the first time he had received the engraved invitation in the mail months ago Liam could not believe that his little brother was actually tying the knot. That he had found himself a woman he was willing to give up his philandering ways for. Having now seen Dawson’s fiancé he understood why his brother was unwilling to let her go. She was an incredibly beautiful woman. It really got his goat his brother’s marriage, and the gull he had to even invite him after his betrayal. To flaunt his coming marriage in Liam’s face after deliberately destroying Liam’s marriage. The man was a bastard, eight years later and he still could get on his nerves. He should go to that wedding just so he could kick his brother’s butt once more. Good old fashion beat down in front of his bride at the altar. “So, what did she want?” Steve asked leaning on the fence beside him. Steve had been Liam’s best friend since they were kids. They had grown up together and Steve had been the one to bring it to Liam’s attention, after the fact, that Dawson had been carrying on with his wife for months. Apparently, the only person who didn’t know had been Liam. “She was cute.” That she was, Liam agreed. “She wanted to talk me into attending Dawson’s coming wedding.” Steve laughed finding the whole thing as ridiculous as Liam. “He actually sent his woman to do his groveling for him? That is pathetic.” “Probably knew I would have knocked his block off on sight.” Liam snarled watching the next rider leave the gate. He would too, to this date his hostility toward his brother had not lessened. He was as angry today as he was the day he walked in on them. He still remembered that night. He had gone fishing with the boys for the weekend. Steve had arrived at the river late that night. Liam remembered watching him getting out of his truck when he arrived that night. The look on his face told him something was wrong. Liam asked Steve what was wrong and that was when his best friend told him the horrible news. “I saw Dawson’s car parked outside your house when I drove by.” Steve had told him that night with an apologetic look in his eye. “Why would Dawson be there?” He had asked finding it strange that his brother would visit when he knew he was going fishing for the weekend. “I thought it strange so I slowed down for a better look.” Steve said pausing as if he did not know how to say what he was about to say next. “I saw two shadows in your bedroom window. They were not exactly talking.” Liam understood exactly what Steve was suggesting. He didn’t waste a second, leaving everything where it was, he got into his truck and raced home. Liam made incredible time getting home that night to find Steve had been right. Out front he found Dawson’s black fire bird. From the driveway he could see the bedroom window. He saw nothing but he believed Steve. Liam had stormed inside taking a baseball bat from the hall closet he stalked down the hall to the bedroom and kicked the bedroom door open wide. The door flew open splintering the frame and slamming against the wall. His wife Annie screamed and scrambled back against the head board clutching the sheet to her bare breast. Dawson fell out of the bed trying to distance himself from his brother’s wife and scramble to his feet. He had just been a stupid kid back then, only twenty-one, humping anything that would move. Annie had been a beautiful woman with her golden hair and hazel eyes with a lush full hourglass figure. Liam had loved his wife, he had no clue she was such a w***e. His brother on the other hand, he knew was easy, but he had never for one moment thought he would betray him by going after his wife. Dawson had grabbed his pants and was quickly trying to get dress when Liam attacked him swinging the bat at his brother and missing. He had smashed every picture and put four holes in the wall. He even managed to hit his brother a few times braking two ribs. His assault on his brother had been the reason his parents had stopped speaking to him. They felt that Liam had overreacted and should have never harmed their precarious little Dawson. Liam on the other hand felt differently, he should have cracked his skull. After that night Liam left Annie. He moved out and stayed with Steve until he got back on his feet. His marriage was over and it was his brother’s fault. No, he would never forgive Dawson. “That guy made good time.” Steve commented on the last rider. “He is going to give you a run for your money.” Liam looked up at the score board. He hadn’t been paying too close attention. He had been lost in his thoughts and his bitterness. It wasn’t fair. That Dawson ruined his marriage and then gets to live all happy and cozy with his own pretty wife. “We will see about that. I got another ride in me.” “You really shouldn’t with that wrist.” Steve lectured. “Don’t worry. I will go ice it and it will be fine. It is only a few seconds anyway. I think I can handle it.” He said jumping off the fence. He had another ride scheduled in a half hour so he decided he would go get some ice now. “Hey you coming with us to the river tomorrow?” Steve asked looking back as Liam started to walk away. “Yeah I will be there.” He promised as he headed back to his tent trailer. He never missed a fishing trip with the boys. He had been at the rodeo for three days competing as it was. His black stallion had won a ribbon and a cash prize in the show a days ago. His chocolate brown thoroughbred had taken first place in three races just yesterday, and today he hoped to win first place with his riding. Once he did he would head out, get his horses settled in at the ranch, and come morning he was gone fishing. Liam reached his trailer and went inside to get an ice pack from his cooler. Once inside he came to an immediate halt surprised to find Miss. Micelles seated on his bed still waiting for him. He had hoped by walking away from her she would have taken the hint and had left. Instead he found her seated comfortably cross legged on the mattress eating a hamburger and drinking a beer. Liam opened the cooler and reached inside taking out an ice pack. He closed the cooler and leaned against the counter. He looked at her contently smiling at him. She took another bite of her hamburger and placed it on the paper plate in front of her. She pointed to the plate on the counter beside him were another burger sat beside a can of beer. “I got one for you too.” She said. He looked at the extra burger and then back at her. She looked as though she intended to stay for some time. What was she still doing here? “Why are you still here?” He asked outright. “Wow, are you always so good at personal interaction?” “I don’t believe in beating around the bush.” He said flatly. “Well then I will get right to it.” She said. “Please do.” “It is as easy as this. I refuse to give up just because you said no. I’m not giving up.” She grinned. “So, you better get used to having me around, because I intend to stick to you until you change your mind and agree to attend.” He smirked. “Well then I am afraid that you are going to miss your own wedding, because I am never going to attend.” She frowned and he couldn’t help but think she looked cute when she pouted. He tried hard not to show his amusement. Dawson certainly had himself a pretty bride, and stubborn too, but luckily, he had more experience. Her gaze drifted to the ice pack he held on his wrist. “Did you hurt yourself bad?” She asked with what sounded like genuine concern. The sudden switch in conversation confused him. “Um, no not really.” He said removing the ice pack and looking at the bandage. The swelling was still pretty bad and it did actually throb some, but he had been so distracted he had not noticed it much. Besides he had received far worse injuries in the past. He tried to flex his fingers a bit but the pain in his wrist made him cringe. “I have had worse. It will be better in a few days.” “I saw you out there on that horse. It looked really hard. I was surprised you did not get whiplash from all that. Then when you fell.” She whistled. “Well I thought you might get trampled.” Liam laughed. “Yeah for a moment I did too.” “Why do you do it?” She asked. “Do what?” He asked confused again. “Get on top of a huge animal that wants to throw you and trample you?” He grinned suddenly understanding her question. He supposed it did seem a little crazy to a city slicker like her. Some people just couldn’t understand the adrenalin rush, or the thrill one got from conquering the bucking beast. It made a man feel alive. “Because of the thrill.” He said with a smile. “It is that simple.” Now she looked confused lifting one dark brow quizzically. “That animal could have kill you.” “Yes,” he agreed, “and I could get hit by a Mac truck on the way home too. You can’t spend your life worrying about what might happen or you would never do anything.” He said placing the ice pack back on his wrist. He hoped to bring the swelling down before he rode again. “But you hurt yourself doing this.” She pointed out. “Pain is not so bad. It lets you know you are alive.” He grinned. “Besides the cash prize and the bragging rights are well worth it.” She smiled then, she had a pretty smile, and her blue eyes sparkled. “Is that what you do? Cruse rodeo’s for cash prizes?” Liam shook his head. “No, I mean I do compete when the rodeo comes around, but the rest of the year I’m a rancher.” He smiled thinking she was surprisingly easy to talk to. “A rancher, what exactly does that entail?” Miss. Micelles asked. “Mostly horses, some cattle; I raise them, breed them, and butcher the cattle for sale. I stud the horses and sell the calves to other breeders and race owners.” He said explaining a little bit of what he did. “You work for someone else?” “No, my own ranch.” He grinned proudly. “I am my own boss. I do what I want when I want. For example, today I ride, and tomorrow I fish.” “And in six weeks you can dance at my wedding.” She added happily. His smile faded with that, their pleasant conversation had ended as she tried to ambush him. “Befriending me will not get me there, sweetheart.” He said picking up the burger beside him and taking a big bite. She glared at him and stood up. He could see the frustration in her face. Without another word she left the trailer. Finally, alone Liam took another bite of the burger he held. It was pretty good. A small part of him was disappointed that she had given up so easily. She seemed nice enough, but it was probably for the best. He had to ride in fifteen minutes anyway. *** Raven slid into the booth of the coffee shop across from Maggie. She cradled the hot coffee between her hands. “He was positively frustrating. He absolutely refused.” “Well then that is that.” Maggie said sipping her coffee. “Oh no it is not.” She said grinning at her friend. “Does your brother still have that fishing gear?” Maggie scrunched her nose at her odd question. “Yes, but why do you care?” “You and I are going fishing tomorrow.” “We are?” Maggie asked with horror in her tone. “I hate fishing.” “I’m not giving up. I’m going to harass this guy until he sees me in his sleep. Where he goes I’m going, and tomorrow you are coming with me.” She insisted. She didn’t want to try to hassle Liam alone. She felt confident that if she and Maggie tag teamed him for a few days she might wear him down. “When exactly did I volunteer for this crusade?” Maggie chuckled lifting her coffee to her lips. “As I recall you are the one that wants this guy so bad not me.” “You are my maid of honour. It is your job to assist me in whatever I need to get this wedding done.” Raven reminded her. “I’m pretty sure stalking some hillbilly redneck is not typical wedding planning procedure. I don’t think I have ever seen it on the to-do list between order cake and pick up dress. Oh, wait there it is right after book the photographer and before put down the deposit for the DJ.” Maggie teased. Raven couldn’t repress the chuckle she felt. She had to admit chasing after Liam was not typically what a bride should be doing for her wedding plans but it was important that he made peace with Dawson. It would mean so much and she so desperately wanted to give him that. She didn’t care how but she was going to get Liam to that wedding. Even if she had to rope him, hog tie him, and drag him to the church.
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