1964 Words

Raven spent the afternoon in her final fitting for her wedding gown. It was an absolutely beautiful gown and she should have been so happy. Both mothers, her bride’s maids and Maggie were all present and going on and on about how wonderful she looked but she hadn’t heard a word they said. She just stared at herself in the mirror and kept playing back in her mind all the things Liam had said at breakfast. She could still see the look in his dark eyes when he spoke. My boy is in love. His mother’s voice still echoed in her ears. Was it possible that Liam really had fallen in love with her, that this was not just another scam to use her to punish Dawson? It was so hard to believe his motives were pure. Did she dare risk her life with Dawson for an uncertainty with Liam? She had been so hap

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